Zephyr shook his head slightly, trying not to look like an angry thundercloud. He absent-mindedly pushed on his throat slightly to find- bruise was still there!- with a wince of pain. "I can't tell you what to and what not to do, but I can say he was being rather inappropriate and if he wants to apologize he should man up and say it to your face." He answered stoutly, though quietly, and didn't touch his food. He had been doing that a lot lately.
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Sophia nodded silently and ate her food. "If y oh aren't going to eat this then hand it over" she said, motioning towards his tray.
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Zephyr slowly pushed the plate to her. "I don't think I'm ever going to eat anything again." He commented drily, staring at the wall for a little bit, lost deep in thought.
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"Why?" She poked him. "You can't just starve. Oh please don't starve on me" she looked at him. "What's wrong?"
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"I won't starve. I still eat meals at home." He snorted. "I don't know. I have never eaten a lot and in my opinion school food tastes kind of like dirty socks." Zephye answered with a slight smile.
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"School food isn't that bad. Especially the tostido type things and the lasagna " she grabbed his plate and stabbed it, taking normal sized bites for once. Usually she took tiny bites like the cake pop from earlier or huge bites like pizza.
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"The lasagna isn't HORRIBLE." Zephyr agreed, glancing at Blake (make a scene, make a scene, make a scene *chants*) before looking around the room to see Lydia looking like an angry gorilla and sitting all by herself. My, how the tables have turned.
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Lol ok then. You're asking for it) - Blake watched the two interact with rising anger. She read the note. She had to have. So why was she still hanging out with that guy? He clenched his fists and got up, storming over to their table. "What is WRONG with you Sophia! Did you read it? Huh? Did you?" He slammed his fists against the table - Sophia suddenly shrunk behind Zephyr when a figure came up to them. Her eyes we're wide. "Yes I read it. And it is probably being swuished into a million peices with other paper because it's in the trash can. Mom probably took the trash out today. You're welcome. " she was finally going to stand up for herself... after she mustered enough courage to stand- like actually stand because she was still trying to hide behind Zephyr. - Blake growled and reached over, grabbing Zephyr by the collar of his shirt, his muscles tense. "What did you do to her? Answer me! We were fine before you walked in!"
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(MUAHAHAHA YES DRAMA) - Zephyr narrowed his eyes, which quickly grew colder than a blizzard and steelier than metal. He opened his mouth to speak when Sophia did, then right afterward Blake grabbed his shirt. "Don't touch me." He snapped, shoving Blake away. "I will answer you, my king." He sneered sarcastically. "At this point I'm beginning to think I saved her. What kind of a friend are you to come barging over here like this? Did you know people usually have more than one friend, or does that come as a shock to you since you have none now?" Zephyr snapped, raising up to his full 6'2 height as he downright glared at Blake.
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Sophia slid away, her eyes wide - Blake reared back and tried to punch Zephyr but missed. A few teachers rushed over and separated the two boys, one escorting Blake to the principal. "I wouldn't go Zephyr, not unless you are called in. Just don't throw a punch." - Sophia studied the words in her head. "He was never really my friend was he..?" She asked Zephyr. "has he been using me this whole time?" She asked
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