
Trixie continued kissing his neck eagerly, slowing down slightly to drag her fingertips down his shirt. She slowed again, hesitating with her lips a hairs width away from his neck. She felt the shift in him, from enjoyment to... something she couldn't quite identify. Her breath came in slow strokes, and her mind was working overtime to figure out what to do.

"Trixie, we can't" Matt said finally, his words coming out in a long breath. He gave her a slightly apologetic look and smile. He let his hands settle on her waist, and he shifted though he very much wanted to ignore the way he felt, what with the alcohol now setting in incredibly strongly. He planted another kiss on her lips despite her words, with passion.

"I know." Trixie said softly, lifting her head from his neck. She almost winced as he settled his hands on her waist, tempted to get up and walk out. She didn't reciprocate his kiss, and simply hovered with him meekly before ripping herself away a moment later. "Matt, I can't." She whimpered, giving him a pitiful look. As much as she wanted to, she wasn't strong enough to pull out of his grasp. The alcohol wouldn't let her. One hand laid on his chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt tightly, and the other was laced through his hair.

"You're just mirroring what I said, Trixie" Matt said, slightly offended that she didn't reciprocate his kiss. He pulled away quitw quickly and sat himself up slightly, though his head was swimming from the alcohol. "It doesn't matter" he added with a sigh, taking her hand from his hair and bringing it down to the bed, giving her a weak smile. "If I wasn't so close to..you know, leaving, I wouldn't have a problem with this. It's just dangerous, like I said i'd rather not get attached to you" he added, his tone slightly harsh.

"No, I can't keep going with this- almost but not really shit. You kiss me, and it's amazing, and then I can't go farther. It's cruel. I hate to say it, but it has to be all or almost nothing, Matt. You can't keep leaving me on the cusp like this." Trixie said quietly, fighting to keep her sentences even through the alcohol. She pulled out of his grasp entirely when he set her hand on the bed, curling up at his side and looking out the window. She winced slightly at his last words. "Right." She said softly. "You don't want to get attached. But it's not going to hurt you in the end. I would rather be hurt than never experience it at all, and I'm the one who has to deal with the fallout. You get to forget. At least I'd get to remember you rather than regret not making the most of your time here." She added quietly, continuing to stare out the window.

"Don't start snapping at me now" Matt mumbled, slumping back against the bed, sounding slightly defeated. "I'm not sure you understand just how scary it is for both of us. I'm sure i've told you before, if your bonds close enough with someone and you end up getting pulled, you still remember even the faintest of things about that person. So no, it won't just be you that's hurt" He said, raising his voice ever so slightly, stumbling over his own words with the mix of the alcohol and the struggling english.

"I'm not trying to snap." Trixie muttered, turning on her side with a sigh to face him. She closed her eyes and lifted her hands to dig the heels of her hands against her eyes in an attempt to clear the stray vision. "Alright then, Matt. If we can't be together, then you can't kiss me. I can't kiss you. It's too much for me, obviously." She added softly, trying to fight the alcohol with the sobriety of the situation.

Matt sat up and shrugged, picking stray hairs off his arm. "Honestly? That's fine by me, it'll save me being worried" he said, his tone neutral. Her words hurt some decent amount, but of course he wasn't showing that, that would make let her know he liked her. Like he hadn't alread shown that. "Are you still alright with staying tonight or no?" he asked thoughtfully, blinking away the blurry vision with a smile.

Trixie swallowed and nodded at his response, staring at the bedspread quietly. His indifference hurt far more than she wanted it to- then again, what had she been expecting? Some sort of protest about how he didn't want that to happen? That was just unrealistic. She glanced up at his question. "Yeah, that's fine. And I mean, everything else is fine too, you can still touch me and everything." She added, somewhat hopefully as she glanced up at him, giving him a weak smile.

"I think i'll stay behind that boundary Trixie, just incase" Matt said, hauling himself up shortly after he finished speaking. His head was swimming from the alcohol, and as much as he wanted to stay in a bad mood, be harsh, he couldn't help but break out into a slightly drunken smile. "anyway, we need to figure out something else to do. i take it you won't be drinking anymore, seeing as you clearly can't handle it" he asked with a teasing smile, stroking the patterns on the bed as he looked down at Trixie, occasionally glancing outside. It was now pretty much pitch black, and all he could see was the fountain across the lawn and the very large "Memories" title opposite them. "It's either that or, we go outside and..do whatever" he asked, his speech slurring ever so slightly. Edited at September 28, 2023 03:32 AM by Wayside Wilds