
"Help me?! Seriously? We're done." Dakota jumped on Athena and rode down the park trails. She came to the town square. Dakota tied Athena's reins to a tree and let her graze. She sat down on a bench and thought. Well, her and Jacob weren't a thing to her anymore. She walked down the sidewalk for an evening walk.

Jacob said " shit" Jacob looks down and grabs flame rope and leads him home and said " I mess up this time boy "
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Dakota walked until she came to the place where she met Jacob. Tears lightly fell down her face again. She felt horrible. Jacob would never want to see her again. Dakota got Athena and rode home. She let Athena into the pasture and stood at the end of the driveway crying. Jacob turned around and saw her. She looked down in embarrassment, still standing there.

jacob looks at her and said " if you need me you know where to find me i already told the kids to go to bed at 9 " as he got on flame and looks at dakota wishing she didn't say that then he said " i am sorry i guess i am not the guy you need"
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"Jacob wait! I'm sorry. I-I just got mad. I need you. I love you Jacob, you know that. I over-reacted. I'm so sorry." Now tears rushed down her face. She had the desperate look on her face. She looked down. "I know you're mad at me. But, I was wrong. I messed up." Edited at August 27, 2022 07:44 PM by Brookfield Stables

jacob sighed and said " then why did you say it if you were mad and it was something i say or did you could have told me " jacob looks away then said " look dakota i love you too but until you feel ready to come back to me ill be at my mom's place"
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Dakota's whole body shook. She remembered their wedding, the kids. She couldn't breath. And then, everything went black. She passed out.

jacob got off and when too her and picks her up and takes her in side the house and lays her on the bed and took a wag and place it on her forehead and sighed he when to far but it was meant to say jacob sat in the chair that face the couch looking at her
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Hours passed and Dakota woke up. "J-Jacob. You, You came back!" She smiled and looked at him.

jacob looks at her and said " i never left you pass out in front of me" jacob was still hurt of what she said couple hours ago
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