Sage chuckled and wiped his face off. "Thanks," he whispered, still leaning against her but no longer so upset. He hoped that Roxie tormenting his sleep wouldn't be a normal thing. If he could t sleep things would get ugly. "But speaking of Roxie...she has students. They said we have about a month at most before she comes back. I don't know if they're bluffing or not, but while I'll have no issues killing Roxie again...these guys are kids, max. And if we end up fighting I don't particularly enjoy the idea of killing ten year olds, even if they are evil."
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"We shouldn't have to..." she told him "We can paint the runes back up and as far as I know i'm hidden from all demons aside from you..." she told him "The runes should protect both of us." she told him "From what I read anyways... I can only assume it to be true because I haven't had a run in with a demon since Roxie." she told him "Aside from you of course but you don't count... I actually wanted you to find me." she chuckled. Brb)
(aight no worries) He nodded. "I'm linked to you through the collar, so putting the runes back up won't effect me or the baby, since it's coming from your body." He smirked up at her slyly. "You couldn't hide from me even if you wanted to," he purred in a silky voice. He laughed internally. Who had ever thought he could be such a cheeky flirt? Edited at July 22, 2022 06:07 PM by NightClan
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Max nodded and smirked "True... very true." she said patting her belly before she smirked "Why would I want to hide from you? I've seen you in your demon form and still don't want to hide from you." she cooed playfully pushing him back down onto the couch pillow he'd been laying on kissing his forehead "Now how can we make those nightmares go away...?" she purred.
He raised an eyebrow at her and his smirk widened. "What, are you wanting an invitation," he purred right back at her.
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"Maybe..." Maxine giggled before she lowered hereself a little more onto him "Maybe I'm just wanting you to take some control..." she purred playfully.
He raised an eyebrow at her again. "Well then, why am I down here," he giggled. He reached up and kissed her deeply, wrapping his arms around her and trailing them down her back.
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"Because I didn't tell you until now that you can take control... So-" she broke off when he kissed her and smirked before pulling away in a teasing manor "Take control..." She said with a smirk.
He chuckled and crawled forward so he was laying on top of her and propping himself up by his elbows. He kissed her again, his heart beating wildly. He was almost glad she had phrased that as an order, because it gave him an excuse to practically fly and bowl her over (gently of course).
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Max giggled happily and kissed him back before she tugged off his shirt allowing him to do the same with her own giving a small smile before she was kissing him again giving into her love/lust a lot more... Everything was even better... Electric almost... It made all her hair stand on end and she loved it. After a while she was cuddled up on him on the couch curled up under a blanket happily a gentle sigh leaving her. (If you wanna skip like to her birthday or something go for it :D)