
Regan raised an eyebrow at him before shaking her head, a light smile on her face. Considering her smile was so bright, it still managed to seem... friendly. Welcoming somehow. If you could compare it to something, then it'd be a warm fire on a cold winter evening, yet still refreshing. Or, so she'd been told. "Well then, what were you looking for? If you're not an old man who looks at fish, then you're a weirdo who looks into blank water," she mused to him. Her hair was completely soaked by now, and was sticking to her shoulders the way her clothes were... but she didn't overly mind. She was just glad to actually be having fun for the first time in months.
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Tyler looked up at the sky. "Okay fine, I was counting fish species." He snorted, looking back to Regan. "Went from the monkey to the old man in 1.7 seconds. Yay for me." He joked, relaxing in the water. Tyler never really relaxed... but he did now. His brain wandered off... yet again thinking about what to do about his clothes problem. Mayberry he should have thought that over better... before he fell into the water. Or got pushed in. Or pulled in. Whatever, he just got wet and that meant his clothes were soaked, sticking to his body. When it got dark it would get colder, and Tyler's was sure there would be a breeze... which meant he would freeze to death. He tried to stop thinking about that and just... keep his kind in the moment
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Regan nodded to him, a bit of a chuckle escaping her. "Hmm... monkey, old man, weirdo, I think," she mused lightly before letting herself float on her back again. She'd be alright that night... she had spare clothes, a bed and a duvet to keep herself warm. She then looked over to Tyler... did he have anything? He certainly didn't have a bed, and he'd likely freeze to death if he went off to bed in a tree again. They'd said he could sleep on the floor in their little shed thing, but he'd still be cold. "Have you got any spare clothes? I don't need you getting sick," she told him after a few moments. It was warm in the water... but with no doubt it'd be freezing once they got out, and she didn't want Tyler to get ill and not be able to keep himself safe if they got into any trouble.
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Tyler rolled his eyes. He was floating towards the deeper part... or should I say sinking. Tyler frowned. He was on his back... sinking through the water like a rock. When he hit bottom he stared up at the surface for a second before swimming back up, snorting. "Monkey... old man... weirdo... rock." He muttered to himself, walking over to shallower water again. He glanced at Regan as she asked about if he had any spare clothes. Tyler thought about it for a second. "I have spare pants... but the rest of my stuff was burned in the fire." He said quietly. Tyler realized that would pose less of a problem then he thought. At least his pants would be dry... then again.. the upper body was probably more important to keep warm
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Regan pulled in a deep breath in and out, feeling her muscles relax for the first time in... a long ass time. She felt light, and it was pretty wonderful. The warm water was nice, too. "Yep, all of those. You're just a bit of all sorts, huh Tyler?" She agreed in amusement, ducking her head back in the water for a moment or so and running her fingers through her hair happily. It was certainly a bit cleaner now... and it was a good thing for sure. It looked good, too. Regan floated a moment before wading to a slightly shallower part of the pool and looking back to him. "Well... i gen get you an extra blanket to wrap up in later, and we can hang your clothes out to dry. You will want to stay in the shed, you the wind though."
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"A bit of all sorts." Tyler repeated, rolling his eyes to look up at the sky. He attempted to float in the shallow water, just sinking down again till the water covered his chest. Drat... he sat up and sighed. Tyler had never really felt this... content, or happy, in a long time. He listened to Regan's idea. "Or maybe we could do that.. but I just stay in the tree. I might get wind chill but I'll warm up as soon as the next morning comes." Tyler shrugged. Inside that was not the reason why... he was slightly embarrassed. Especially if Lily was staying in the same shed. All the others were full and he was sure no one would want some stranger on the floor. In any case... that mean technically Tyler's wet pants and T-Shirt would be hanging outside while he was in a cabin, with two other girls, with just some dry pants on, and a blanket wrapped around him. That was not his favorite scene to think about...
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Regan watched him struggle to float for a moment before pouting and wandering over to him and resting a hand on his waist. He was heavy, but he wasn't dense enough to just sink all the time. "Be like a starfish and take a breath in before laying back," she promoted lightly. He might not want help, but she wanted to try and help the boy with floating about. Plus, she could keep him afloat a bit easier because of the water... other wise she would have broken an arm just trying not to let him sink. She then hummed at his next comment and pouted. "Why would you want to stay in a tree? I get not wanting to stay with us girls, if that's the issue, but we can put curtains up so you have some privacy. Or maybe you can go and stay with your dad... you know I don't care, I just don't want you to be cold," she then told him with furrowed brows.
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Tyler looked up. "I give up on floating." He snorted, putting his legs down. "For one staying in a tree is more comfortable than say, staying with my dad. I wouldn't be able to sleep all night! I'd just lay awake, waiting to open my eyes and see my dad holding a dagger over me." Tyler shuddered. "It's not exactly the fact you and Loy are girls... it's what Lily might do." Tyler wrinkled his nose. He didn't know for sure... but he had a feeling sleeping in a tree might be the best decision
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Regan huffed when he said he'd given up trying to float. She rolled her eyes and flicked his nose as she walked towards the shore to twist her air dry. "Quitter," she joked lightly before sitting on the ground. The weather was warm enough now, so she was happy to dry off the best she could before hanging her clothes up. She couldn't help her slight laugh when he said his dad might stand over him with a knife... well, it was entirely possible, but she wouldn't count on that happening. "I don't think he'd do that with people around," she mused lightly. But, she could understand him being a bit nervous of Lily... the more time she spent with her, the less she trusted the girl. "Again... I'd be there. But I don't think that would change anything... she doesn't respect me much," she hummed lightly before looking over at him. "Whatever... just don't sleep in a tree, you'll get a cold," she told him with a sigh.
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Tyler finally caved. "Fine, fine. I won't sleep in the tree." He sighed... his plan had been foiled. Tyler actually thought about it for a moment. In the hotter days of summer... which it was... most of the guys at the campsite walked around with no shirts on. Tyler thought that was disgusting and he usually went off for a walk in the woods.... but it was normal. Tyler heaved a sigh, wrinkling his nose slightly. It was a revolting thought... but it might just have to ... work. He didn't have any other choice, it was still fairly early in the day... "Okay Regan... how about this. I wear the wet clothes during the rest of this warm, sunny day... then when night falls if my clothes are still very wet I change, but if they are only damp I can sleep. In. The. Tree." Tyler looked at her with his eyebrows raised. He knew he absolutely did not have to ask Regan... but if she thought he would get wind chill he probably would... which meant if he got the go on this he would be fine. Hopefully.. maybe. Possibly. Tyler just trusted Regan more than himself.
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