Dakota took off her necklace and handed it to Jacob. He turned it. The chest opeded. Dakota gasped. "It's a picture." There was a picture of a little boy and girl holding hands watching a sunset. "Is that... Me and you?" Dakota eyes widened. She looked at Jacob and back at the picture.
Jacob said " yeah that is possible us "looking at her then at the box again and said "I didn't know this was up here until I was 19"
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Tears welled up in Dakota's eyes. She fell to the ground. Dakota looked at Jacob. "19 huh? That's when your dad went to jail. Someone had to have put this in here. My mom... Is alive."
Jacob grabs and hold of her and said "then who was in the car with your dad if your mom is still alive "
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"My mom. But, she survived. That's why at my parent's funeral my moms casket was shut and my dad's was open. Because my mom wasn't in it." Dakota said. "Where is she then?" Dakota turned around to walk out and a woman stood there. She had long light brown hair and emerald green eyes. Dakota's heart beated faster. "M-M-Mom!" Dakota ran to her and threw her arms around her mom. She was sobbing and smiling at the same time. Dakota's mom said, "I missed you honey. I've been looking everywhere for you." She was crying too. When Dakota's mom looked up and saw Jacob, she didn't know it was him. "Dakota, who's this?" She asked. "Mom, this is... Jacob." Her mom squinted and walked closer to him. "Jacob! It is you!" She gave Jacob a hug and started to cry more. "So, are you and Jacob friends again?" "No mom. We're married now. Also, you're a grandma." Dakota's mom gasped and smiled. Dakota held Jacob's hand and layed her head on his shoulder.
Jacob crys and hugs her back and said "I saw you in the hospital they told me to leave saying you won't have a chance but how did you survive I thought you were dead and I blamed myself for getting my dad mad if he was mad he wouldn't have done that "
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Dakota cried and left. She knew they were better together. Her mom seemed more like his mom. Dakota wiped away her tears and walked home with Athena. She remembered the orphanage. The dirt floors with empty rooms. She remebered the lonliness. Dakota never said a word when she was there. She was sad. The memories of the orphanage were horrible.
Jacob sighed and when after Dakota and said " Dakota wait " Jacob didn't know what was going on in her mind
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Dakota looked at her hand. It shook in sadness. She took a deep breath and looked down. When she was a little girl, her parents spent more time with Jacob. That's why she alway went into the hayloft at the top of the barn. No one knew, but she was always lonely. Dakota glanced at Jacob. "Aren't you going to catch up with my mom?" Dakota asked him looking away. "I forgot to groom Athena. So i'm going to do that now." Dakota lied.
Jacob said " Dakota you are more important then your mom is, I want to help you " Jacob knew that face meaning but he never through she would lie
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