
He watched her gaze travel between his legs before she obviously had to pry them away. A smirk came to his face once she looked back up at him.

Ellimere saw his smirk, "what?" She said innocently, but she suppressed a smile,

"I saw where you were looking," he says still smirking, "don't try to hide it.."

Ellimere blushed and looked away, "ok ok, you got me"

He smirked and got up and walked over to Elli. He put a finger under her chin and made her look up at him, "Aw~ Is someone embarrassed?"

Ellimere flushed red, "no!" She declared, his finger on her chin sent excited tingles through her body

He tilted his head slightly as she blushed more. "You sure darling," he asks, "because your face is as red as a tomato right now."

"Shh, that dosent mean anything" she said, a little smile passed her lips, a twinkle in her eye,

"Sure it doesn't," he says jokingly and looks down at her. He then brought their lips together and gave Elli a long kiss.

Ellimere kissed him back, "I love your kisses" she commented softly, her voice muffled because of her lips pressed to his