"Oh. I didn't even know that." Dakota looked confused. "No wonder... You look nothing like her." Dakota laughed and smiled. "I would have never seen my parents getting divorced or anything." Dakota said.
Jacob said " oh they never divorced my dad just cheated on her which she never knew about"
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"Oh. And you were just what, 2? That's bad." Dakota felt so bad for Jacob. "At least you have me now." She kissed his check and put her arm around him. Edited at August 27, 2022 01:04 PM by Brookfield Stables
Jacob smiles and said " yeah and I am happy about that but I do want to see what was in the chest dad had in his barn"
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"What chest? Like a treasure chest full of his stuff? Let's go then!" Dakota got Pepper (Since she can't ride Athena) and Flame and handed him to Jacob. She hopped on Pepper and they rode to his old barn while the kids were all sleeping.
Jacob rode beside her and said "I don't know what it I it but I'll find out" soon the place come closer to the barn
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"Yeah." Dakota hopped off with Jacob and held his hand as they walked to the barn. "Look for a box thingy." Dakota looked around and saw a chest up on a shelf. "I found it."
Jacob looks at her then at the chest and said " cool you found it "
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"What do you think is in it? Um, I looks like it needs a key." Dakota looked around for a key. "Well, my mom gave me this key necklace when I was a baby. Do you think this chest is my mom's that your dad stole?"
Jacob said "let's try it out and see if he did I'll kill him" looking at her hoping it was the key
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