Sage looked over at her sketch book and smiled widely. "I love it. And I think Daisy would be happy to know youre honering her." The last part was mostly a joke...he knew she was a cat and therefore wouldn't know the difference. That brought an idea to mind. "Actually...now that we have a home she could probably stay here," he pointed out. "Daisy I mean. She can still wander but it'll be better than being in a barn if it rains or snows or whatever." He shrugged.
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Max smiled happily "You can even pick out some fabric colors if you want... and we can do like a patchwork kinda thing for the nursery!" she chirped excitedly clearly feeling a lot better now. When he mentioned bringing Daisy here she thought for a moment before nodding "That's perfect!" she chirped "Maybe you can take the bike and go get her tomorrow while i'm at work?" she suggested happily "And you can get some cat stuff for her as well!" she smiled.
Sage grinned and nodded happily. "See, I knew you could do it. Stores just aren't up to your standards, that's all." The last part was a joke but he did mean what he said before. He leaned over and pecked her on the lips. "I'll take care of the cat after I hunt tomorrow."
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Maxine chuckled "It wasn't that..." she smirked "I just think I was trying to hard to find something that would be more from the both of us... but I forgot I could make something that represents the both of us..." she chirped with a smile "I guess baby brain is a thing..." she teased playfully pecking him back and nodding "Alright." she said happily "Sounds perfect." she said tackling him playfully and kissing over his face. The next morning Maxine woke Sage just enough to tell him she was headed off to work and tell him she loved him before she headed off, she was a lot happier then she had been yesterday and she'd even left him a gift, she'd gotten him a cellphone and already had her number in it for him in case he needed anything or vice versa.
Sage was half asleep when he said bye, and mumbled he loved her more before she left. He lay around for a little while before getting up and getting ready for the day. He slipped outside and rode the motorcycle around until he got the energy he needed and then headed to the barn.
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Max was hard at work in the store stocking shelves though Ethan helped her out quite a lot... he always stuck close when she was working and she only imagined he'd get more protective as time went on especially now that Sage was back in the picture. A new (obviously young) Demon waited for him, she was no more then maybe 10 but by the looks of her she was trained by Roxie... she was leaned against one of the poles supporting the barn "So you're Sage... Roxie speaks very ill of you... but you don't look ballsy enough to be the demon she describes.
Sage snorted. "That's funny, considering I just killed her. You have nothing on me, go away. I'd rather not kill a demon as young as you." He walked past the other demon, completely at ease and picked up Daisy, who walked up in his shoulders and curled around him. He walked back to the motorcycle and put Daisy in a bag where she wouldn't get hurt in the ride home.
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"You think its going to take much longer for her to resurrect?" she asked raising a brow "I'd say you have another month tops." she said running a hand through her bright maroon hair "Besides i'm not here to kill you... I simply came to warn you that Roxie's return is imminate... she'll come back and she'll come back and kill you for sure... but maybe not in the way you think... she knows you'll always come back and go right back to your little girlfriend... you know what kind of things she practices... and believe me she's had plenty of time to practice them whilst being pieced back together... you don't honestly think you were resurrected first by accident do you? Especially considering she's an elder demon." she chuckled "If you do you really are an idiot." the little demon said with a roll of her pale yellow eyes as she watched him take the cat out "Fine don't believe me... but you'll wish you did... I'm here against my masters orders to warn you... you may believe you have defeated her but you've only made her more determined." she said before disappearing.
Sage pondered what the other demon had said and sighed. He knew Roxie was going to come back, but he also knew he was stronger now. Because he had killed her, he had obtained her level of power. That added to what he already had. He was strong than her now and knew he could beat her more easily this time. He just had to make sure Maxine stayed safe.
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Maxine had gotten a bit of a break in her day so she decided to see how Sage was going, she texted him 'Hey did you get Daisy?' she sent as she ate her lunch she'd packed.