
∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Neveah ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Neveah did not react whatsoever to the events that followed, angling her chin slightly to glance back at the three other hunters that were apprehended. She stared unwaveringly at Imogen as she struggled and, although she cared the tiniest bit, did not warn her that her thrashing would get her killed; little did she know that would happen in the very, very near future. At the crude remark the vampire made, Neveah`s gaze returned to his own, amusement still dancing in her gaze. She was quiet before she replied, ``I could care less about your list.`` The scream that erupted from Imogen drew Neveah`s attention once again, eyes narrowing as she watched the morbid, grotesque scene unfold. She had seen worse, of course, which was why she seemed so unaffected by it. However, a noise of distaste left her when she saw all the blood staining the conrete floor; that would need to be cleaned up regardless and, truth be told, she did not want to be the oe with that task. With a small sigh, Neveah spoke again, her voice eerily calm and almost laced with humor, ``You did me a favor, so I thank you for that.`` ``Nev, she jus-`` Renier started to speak, clearly unsettled by the words she had spoken, but he was met with a cold glare that spoke volumes; she would happily let him die right next to Imogen if he started having an emotional breakdown right here and now. Besides, deep down all the hunters knew that Imogen had been a reliability, especially when she would have happily abandoned all three of them in order to save herself. Neveah knew that she needed a plan as soon as possible, especially know that she was facing off against four vampires; two were still holding Damian and Renier captive, something she knew they could handle themselves. However, she was mostly concerned about herself due to the vampires that were clearly formulating a plan to render her useless; she was the biggest threat they were facing, after all. Withdrawing her weapon was her last resort, the silver karambit knife that was concealed within her pocket was a weapon that had never failed her; the one thing she despised about it was the blatant sigil imprinted on its base, a huge indicator of who her parents were. To worsen things further, she was clueless regarding the strength, speed, and age of these vampires, so she could easily be up against higher class ones, which would mean she was done for. ``I apologize in advance for what`s about to happen to all of you,`` Neveah crooned as her gaze fixated on the vampire leading the group before her. She knew her only hope was to use her speed and natural instincts, even her insane accuracy if need be, but even then.. Although she had sworn to never, ever do it again, she would willingly resort to begging for her life; the memory of Faust made her tense slightly, a small reminder of the power the idiot still held even though he was a pathetic excuse of a vampire. She offered the vampire a smile before she took a few steps forward, withdrawing the waiting silver karambit knife from where it had been hidden; the family emblem was as obvious as ever. Neveah continued to approach him, flitting her gaze up and down as she silently assessed his build; he was large, but, with the secret compartment of nightshade shimmering beneath the blade`s tip, she had a decent chance surving a fight against him.. if he did somehow missed the stench emenating from the knife. Once she was at a distance that she deemed sufficient, she launched herself forward. She could only pray that her reaction time was somehow faster than his and, this was very unlikely, he would underestimate her. She kept her gaze fixed firmly on where his fangs were, avoiding them at all costs as they began their combative waltz. (No worries! I hope you enjoy your dinner, <3) Edited at December 6, 2024 02:06 PM by Imperial Warmbloods
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Auri stood amusement flickered in his own gaze at the sight of the human on the floor. Damien and Renier struggling under the oppressive weight that now held them in place. Damien with a gun still held to his head, a quick pull of the trigger and he would be dead. Meanwhile Renier still on within the grip of another one of his men, fangs waiting nearby to drink the man dry. He felt the need to place himself at a distance, leaning back against the wall, watching, he used his leg to support himself, still twindling the blade in his hands. His eyes narrowed as he saw the woman step closer to Seb, a blade now revealed, the light gilding off its silver tip. His gaze studied the blade, the poison scent wafting to him. He daren't reveal his rank, as noble vampires tended to have sharper senses than normal vampires. He studied Seb, his posture moving into a fighting stance. He knew his friend could disarm this woman in front of him. Seb smiled, pushing his gun to one side. "This will be a fun challenge" He smirked stepping closer to the woman, blade in her hand. As she lurched forward, he moved at lightning speed, the only thing that slowed him down was his size, he gripped her arm, as she thrusted it towards his ribs in an under cut, whilst his face contorted into a snarl, baring his fangs in displeasure. He twisted her arm, loosening her grip to the blade. He held her there, in an awkward twist. He tutted "I don't think so" He smirked toying with her. His men inching closer to make the kill on Damien and Renier. Auri had it in his mind to end this conflict, for his idea still raged in his thoughts. But he wasn't impressed with how the hunter who had been the whisperings of the city these past few weeks had now attacked Seb. He studied Seb, the ease and cool causal demeanour he had this hunter locked into a stance. Fangs revealed. Aurelius made no move to interrupt, not yet anyway. The dance continued, the swiping of the knife crossing Seb's face, missing by mere inches. He had to have smelt the poison by now. He studied the woman's fighting style. He wondered if she were revealing all her secrets or downplaying for some reason. There were six of them, three of whom, including him just hanging back watching the fight progress. The intensity with each swipe, as if Seb was taunting her, tiring her out. Auri smirked again, for he knew Seb had an energy that this woman couldn't match. He was the master of the armoury, the one that trained every single man under his leadership. There was a tight spin, before Seb had closed in, disarming her completely, pulling her in close to his body, wrapping his arms around her like a python with his prey, he gripped her head, angling it ready to sink his teeth down into her neck. Aurelius didn't want to give his position away but he realised that Seb had given him no choice in the matter. "Stop."

∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Neveah ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Neveah had never genuinely fought with a vampire of this calibre before and it showed in the way her movements gradually grew uncalculated and sluggish. She was pissed enough as it is and the fact that she knew there was no way she was going to win was worsening it. There were a few close calls, however, which were small indications that she could hold her own against a vampire.. as long as it wasn`t this one; Faust wasn`t even comparable to him. The moment she felt that iron grip after a spin was the moment she realized it was over. She stiffened when he pulled her close, her breath hitching at the familiar sight of those monstrous fangs that threatened to either sink into her flesh or simply kill her. It took her a few moments to realize that a different vampire ordered him to stop, but she did not care enough at the moment to look at who had said it. She was far too busy glaring daggers at the vampire that had successfully defeated her in practically every way imaginable. She would do absolutely anything to have been able to wipe the smug expression off of his face, but that would never happen at this rate. Eventually, she shifted her gaze and found herself observing the vampire she had seen yesterday at the bar. He was certainly more authoritative than the one that was holding her captive.. a royal, maybe? She figured the one that was in control of her fate was some kind of military figure, especially in the way he had been one of the few (there had only been two others) vampires that had rendered her attacks useless. However, she could not deny that there had been entertainment and a thrilling aspect to the combative waltz they had danced. It was why she would have genuinely congratulated him for being one of the few to defeat her if he did end up sinking his fangs into her neck; the memory of that unsettled her again, leading to her stiffening and shivering slightly in his grip. Of course, no one except her deceased parents, Damian, Renier, and Faust himself were aware of what had happened all those years ago. She had despised vampires even before those events, yet they had made her truly devote her life into eradicating the monsters that took advantage of helpless individuals for their selfish desires and nourishment. Meanwhile, Damian and Renier had watched the whole thing unfold. The fact that Neveah had lost.. it was concerning. If she did not get out of the mess, there was no way in hell they could even have hope in escaping. She was, in a twisted sense, one of the main hunters across the world, known for never giving up and being able to kill and capture vampires whenever she pleased. It was not common at all for her to be in this position.
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Seb turned his gaze to Aurelius. He didn't question Auri's command to stop. Seb knew he could have easily have ended the hunter's life right there but the command was something else. He stood straighter to listen to Aurelius' interruption. He was sure he had a good reason to. "Stop" Aurelius repeated. He signalled to the men, his men using the butts of their guns to knock Damien and Renier out. He moved around towards the woman, inspecting her closer but as he did so Seb's grip tightened on her. "We should take them back to the manor, they could serve a useful purpose" He said, his tone dripping with boredom. His gaze met Seb's his eyes flashing with a authoritive silver. "I've seen enough for one night" Aurelius turned, putting his knife back in his boot. His men hauled Damien and Renier upright, flinging them over their shoulders with wicked ease. Aurelius felt the pugnent smell of the scent the woman wore. "Imagine...Seb, what the council would say when we bring in one of the most notorious hunters" Aurelius began to picture it now. His gazed grazed across her, examining every inch of her body, the clothing she wore. He walked over to the discarded blade that had clattered to the floor moments before during the fight. He picked it up and drew it close to his face smelling the poison. "You're not really a fool are you?" His gaze flashed at her, as she struggled in Seb's grip. He stashed the blade away, concealing it upon his person. Seb smirked at the woman in his arms, as the weapon she had bore, was now in the hands of his prince. She had no idea what she was about to get in to. The Obsidian Circle was a highly decorated coven, intelligent and cunning, with two covens operating as one. Aurelius saw the unit move cohesively, flowing around him as they packed up to leave this dingy alleyway. "Restrain her" Aurelius said, flicking another piece of lint of his arm. A couple of the vampires moved forward, revealing handcuffs that they used to apprehend supernatural beings that didn't want to cooperate as they carried out justice across the city, in their own way. Seb released his grip slightly, to allow his men access to her hands. "Pat her down too, make sure she had no other weapons" Aurelius flicked his gaze back up at her, he sneered, a delivish smile playing across his lips. He puckered them as his soilders told him, she was completely disarmed. "Oh no, missy goody hunter, is completely out of options" Aurelius teased, he smirked at his men, nodding to Seb to wrap up this operation and lead them back to the manor.

∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Neveah ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Although she felt absolutely humiliated at the moment, she kept her mouth shut as she watched the vampire in charge, taking notes of names he called out and the way he acted; everything ahout him screamed royalty and, even if she had defeated this.. Seb, he definitely would have killed her in the span of milliseconds. She bit her tongue as she remained limp and relaxed, knowing it was better to cooperate than struggle.. Imogen had learned that the hard way; vampires did not mess around in that regard. Her glare shifted onto the one that had seemingly effortlessly defeated her, eyeing him silently; she knew she had to be careful around him, especially if he had gotten her in this situation. The familiar cold of cuffs snapping around her wrists was an unwelcome sensation, the reminders of past events seemingly compiling progressively. She did not complain nor struggle as they walked, her gaze drifting from Seb to the royal in charge. She had recognized him from before, yet he seemed far more.. dangerous and wickedly intelligent, things she would never have guessed at first glance. He had almost seemed innocent back then, but now.. if he tried hard enough, she would definitely have felt threatened and intimated by him. A sigh left her as she lowered her gaze and focused on each step she took, listening to the vampires as they spoke. The smallest part of her wished that they had not met under these circumstances, that there would have been more opportunity to talk instead of delve straight into action. To be fair, it was slightly her fault, but it was also Seb`s fault. Truth be told, if he had not been a vampire, she could see herself being his friend; that thought vanished within seconds, disgust building in her gut at the notion. Neveah had been imprisoned by Faust, so she knew what to expect, but this.. It downright terrified her slightly. The building had come into view and it was colossal in size, multiple guards passing by here and there. Her goal had been to infiltrate this place, but now that she had seen it in person.. she was glad she had not gotten to that point. Covens were usually small and tight-nit, yet this one seemed quadrubled the normal, average size. It was no wonder why the deaths in the human population had increased significantly in this specific area.
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Aurelius moved with a stoicism, but also a light excitement in his step. They had finally caught a vampire hunter worthy of their cat and mouse game. Worthy of all the killings over the years. Aurelius had made sure to not leave behind a single trace of the scuffle in the alleyway. One of his men had made off with Imogen's body, to disguard it. He would rejoined them at the manor later. Auri fell in step beside Seb. The guards at the gate greeting them as they went inside, they eyed their prisoners with morbid curiousity. Aurelius lead the way into the manor, pushing down on the door handles to swing the double doors wide open. His mother there, waiting as she always did, especially when she found out he was out and about on his nightly activities. "Mother..." Aurelius wandered over to her, the men occupying the foyer, almost taking up the whole room with the prisoners in tow. Lady Seraphina watched the men carry the unconcious bodies of Damien and Renier out of sight. It wouldn't be unheard of that they got taken straight to where the other blood banks where stored. They would be kept alive and drained over the coming weeks to their satisfication. Seraphina's icy blue gaze swung round to Seb who now escorted the woman. She hissed, bearing her fangs at her. "You brought one back conscious and alive?" She growled darting her gaze at Aurelius. "Yes, the council need to meet, I have a solution for our problems" Aurelius swung his gaze back to the woman in handcuffs. Lady Seraphina's demeanour changed. "Very well" She said through gritted teeth. "Wait here". Aurelius circled on his feet, looking about the main hallway as they waited. His gaze flicked to the woman again. He didn't say anything but closed the gap between them. He reached up with his hand, carcessing her cheek. "You are certainly a prize" He said almost mockingly. The familiar sound of doors opening revealed his mother waiting for them to join the council in the regular room. She ushered them inside, Seb's grip remained tight on the woman's arm as she was thrust in front of the council. The table had long disappeared replaced with a row of dark chairs, where the council members sat. Aurelius joined Seb and appeared on the other woman's side. The two other soliders at their backs, his mother on his side, standing a bit away from him. He flicked his gaze over the council members, his father sitting in the middle. "I present to you, this...notorious vampire hunter who has been killing off members of our esteemed coven, not to mention the work she has been seen doing down on the eastern coast" Aurelius studied her under his intense gaze. He moved forward pacing back and forth whilst presenting her to them. "I have a solution to our problems. The hunters are mere pests at best" He smirked, his slight smile exposing the tips of his fangs. "Instead of disguarding our kills, we should merely drain the vampire hunters that cause us such grief, in fact, Seb brought back two tonight to replenish our stores" He turned to his friend, holding the woman. The council murmured. "This would help a great deal but we have word that hunters are now injecting themselves with a poison to kill us, feeding on them would be a waste of precious resources" One of them spoke. They all uttered their concerns until his father finally spoke. The room falling silent before he spoke. "We shall consider your propsal BUT, there may be an even better solution" He rised forward in his seat to get a better look of the woman. His face betraying no sign of disgust. "Take her away, we could perhaps use her later on" His father dismissed them. Aurelius was unsure on whether the conclusion of this meeting would succeed but he turned all the same and filed out of the room. He nodded, letting the soliders and Seb take her away.

∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Neveah ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Neveah was silent as they walked through the halls, her gaze lowered and fixated on the floors, knowing that eye contact with the wrong vampire could result in something born from nightmares. Even when the royal mentioned her and talked to her, she did not flinch nor retaliate in any way; she would not take any risks, especially when she was more than aware of how easy it was to piss of a vampire. She stiffened when they started moving again, briefly mustering the courage to glare at Seb and then the royal since they were practically dragging her all over the place. Of course, she expected this treatment, but it did not alter how annoying and aggravating it was; she deserved it in their eyes and, to be fair, she found it understandable. Her heart nearly froze and ceased beating when she was haphazardly thrown into the room brimming with high ranked vampires. She lifted her gaze to look at every single one of them, her frown deepening as she realized she was fucked. Based on the amount of them, this coven was massive and they were porbably the biggest one known to humanity. Her breathing quickened slightly as they spoke, exchanging words and proposals. Her gaze settled on the royal as he spoke, not surprised by his proposal to make the others blood banks. She had a hunch she would be given the same fate, having been used and taken advantage of Faust before. Poison in human blood? That was a suggestion thay had been debated for years, wondering if it was even fair to do it; they could wipe out vampires easily with the method, but even she thought it was more than unfair. Neveah cast a glare at the two vampires that seemed to be the Lord and Lady, eyeing them before she turned and allowed Seb and a few soldiers to take her elsewhere. She could only pray that it was a cell, one where they would let her rot away until she proved useful. Truth be told, she would do absolutely anything to not be a blood bank; the weakness.. nausea.. and the feelings of hopelessness and unbridled fear were things she never wanted to feel again. Her lips remained sealed as she stumbled after Seb, eyes lowered towards the floor once again.
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Seb and the other solider lead the woman deep into the manor, a cell was in deed where they were headed. The solider opened the door to the cold and decrepit prison of a cell. Seb shoved her inside. "Hands" He ushered her to lift them, unlocking the cuffs off her, before the two of them backed out of the cell, the solider locking it and walking away. Seb remained, feeling a wicked grin cross his lips. "You should be grateful. First for Aurelius sparing your life. Second, that the council didn't order to drain you dry right there and then" He said spitefully and then walked off, his heavy boots clacking on the cobbled floor of the cell unit they had. A door sounding off somewhere that this section of the manor had closed. -- Aurelius found himself in his bedchambers. He changed into something more comfortable, the military gear was starting to chafe his skin. His adorned his comfortable semi-formal attire. The house going into lockdown for the day as the sun began to rise. He found himself needing to brood once more. The night patrol had been full of things he wouldn't ordinarily think about. His mind flashed to the woman again. He tempted to go see her. He knew they would have kept her alive for his sake. His little pet. He didn't want to see the other hunters, the one's he was confident they were hooking up, ready to drain. He frowned, his brows knitting together, he wondered why the council hadn't ordered her to be drained right there and then. Was she special? Was there something he didn't know about her? The questions found him walking towards where the cells were in the back of the manor. The lights here flickered on under motion sensor. He found himself peering a the woman in front of him. Her hair slightly out of place, her jumper now dirty. A far cry from the woman he saw try and take down Seb earlier. His blue gaze pierced hers. He wanted to know everything about her. Her scent was intoxicating, truly it was. His lips parted, the tips of his fangs brushing them gently. His pendant was on show, fully displaying his rank and giving away the name of the coven he was a leader to. No-one knew he was here. He had come alone to inspect his prize. His prey. He wanted to taunt her but seeing her trapped was already enough of a pleasure. An innocent butterfly trapped underneath the paws of a mighty lion. He didn't say anything, merely watched her. Her mannerisms, the way she blinked, the way she breathed, the way her blood pumped at the vein in her neck. He stood and watched.

∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OC Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Neveah ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Neveah remained eerily silent as she was led across the manor, occasionally lifting her head to glance at her surroundings. Truth be told, she felt like she was being guided through an endless, serpentine maze that held no end; if she somehow managed to break these chains binding her, the following step of escaping this labryinth seemed impossible. Her black hair was ruffled and her clothing disheveled from all of the nonvoluntary traveling she had done with the soldiers and Seb, her azure eyes dim and lacking their usual hints of spunk. The one thing she deemed true defeat was being imprisoned and treated like nothing more than a source of nourishment, something she was persuaded was about to occur all over again. Her breathing hitched when they arrived in front of the prison cell, lifting her hands instinctively at the command from Seb whilst glancing around. It would definitely get cold at night and sleeping would be an even greater struggle than it typically was for her; insomnia was a consequence of the paranoia that overwhelmed her when she was in Faust`s clutches. Carefully, she listened to the words that Seb spoke, catching the name of the royal while simultaneously learning realizing there was a high chance she would actually not be a blood bank. That thought comforted her enough, eyes brightening slightly as she watched the military figure leave. With an elongated sigh, she looked around the cell once more before slumping into one of the corners, massaging her wrists from where the cuffs had dug into her skin. She could not believe that this was the second time she had been deemed a prisoner by vampires. Truth be told, she should have expected it given her reputation, but she also knew that she would prefer a stake through the heart over enduring this for weeks, maybe even months. It was a few hours later when she heard approaching footsteps, her chin lifting and azure eyes narrowing into icy slits before they widened slightly. The last thing she expected was to see Aurelius- she had learned- visiting her so soon, especially when he seemed content being as far away as possible from her; the sentiment had been reciprocated until he had impulsively spared her life. Did she understand why he had done it? No, but that did not prevent her from feeling the tiniest bit grateful. With an elongated exhale, she shifted onto her feet and stood before him, meeting his piercing stare. She truly felt like prey in this situation, her life quite literally in his control; he could kill her here and now if he desired to, but a part of her doubted he would. Her keen eyes noticed the way his mouth slightly parted along with that dangerous glint in his eyes, both indications that he was intoxicated with her scent. She knew this was typical vampire behavior, so she did not find it unusual or peculiar. A few moments after staring at his face and expression, she lowered her gaze and found herself reading the pendant that hung from his neck. The words she read were what made her realize how fucked she would have been if she had reached her goal of infiltrating this place: Prince; Lord of Obsidian Circle. The name of the coven was an unfamiliar one and, with the knowledge of him being a prince, she realized what was going on here; this wasn`t one coven, it was two. Her breath hitched as realization dawned upon her, lifting her chin to meet the vampire`s unwavering stare once again. She should seriously be dead right now, a blood bank at the very least. Royals never spared human lives to her knowledge, often being the most violent and grotesque types. ``So.. you`re Aurelius,`` she whispered, her voice soft yet clearly able to be heard by him. Neveah wanted to confirm his identity, especially since he had been the one to spare her earlier. He did not look as intimidating and threatening as he had before; he almost seemed calm and composed, if one was able to ignore the dangerous glint in his eyes that exposed his infatuation. The last thing she wanted was to be vulnerable with this monster, but in situations like these.. it was honestly best to befriend the individual or individuals that seemed to not want to kill you. ``Thamk you for earlier,`` Neveah added on as she looked away from him, focusing on the cobbled flooring. She could not maintain eye contact with that intense stare of his, one that made her feel like he was dissecting her and piecing presumptions together. Unlike Faust, he seemed to be a more direct type, one that did not hesitate to make things clear regarding what he wanted and expected; Faust had been unpredictable with intense mood swings, something that had worsened the whole experience with him. She was still scared and uneasy, but she could not show it. Vampires fed on human emotions that were anything remotely close to negative, whether it be hatred, repulsion, envy, anger, and fear itself.
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Aurelius watched as the hunter stood from where she had positioned herself against the stone cold wall rubbing her wrists. She was closer to him now, as she moved, only the bars separated them. His gaze narrowed at the sound of his name but said nothing. He was surprised by her casual defeated demeanour, something that felt like she was just like an other ordinary human as she stood there. Powerless. He watched her gaze as it drifted down to his pendant. She was piecing everything together. Not a fool. The way her breath hitched made something predatory come alive inside him. "Thank you" Words that he never thought he'd hear a vampire hunter say. His gaze softened into curiousity. He shifted on the spot, the words softening something within him, he couldn't name what. "Tell me... Why did I save you?" His words filled with confusion, he frowned, his brows knitting together. His eyes returned to piercing her but she avoided his gaze. He bit his lip, his mind working. "Why, oh why have you been spared?" This time the question sounded more rheotircal than needing be answered by either of them. His tone taking a darker turn as he spoke, almost turning into a taunt this time, his eyes flashing at her, anger raging inside him at the amount of deaths she had caused. A single human. "I expected more" He said simply. "Please tell me you were holding back in that alleyway" He said with a light amusement tickling his tone. "I've never seen a hunter so brave but foolish in one attempt" He brought up his arm, inspecting it for any signs of lint. Alas, there was none so he lowered it. His gaze flicking back to the hunter. He knew, that she had determined who he was but he knew nothing of her, except for all the killing he'd been hearing about. A dangerous position to be in really. He smirked at the idea of having her as a plaything. Something to train against if she was meant to be the best of the best. It would make him formidable against other vampires and hunters alike. He didn't want to let on too much too soon but his mind raced with ideas and possibilites. Perhaps even a personal blood bank. NO. Her blood could be poison, if what the council says is true. He felt himself brooding in front of her. He shook his head, his mind clearing. "What to do with you..." He said slowly, raising his gaze once more to find hers. "Oh... but you can never leave. You've seen too much" He raised his hands to the building that was the manor. He turned as if to leave before he could reveal anything else. He needed to head to the library to think. To brood further. He wasn't even sure what lead him here in the first place after staring at her for so long. He huffed and made a motion to leave.