
Sage had wandered about, making sure patients got what they needed for the next few hours. He was working on signing off a chart to release a patient when he saw the girl come limping in. He chuckled slightly and shook his head, wondering if her stubbornness was bad or good. It was amusing to say the least. But, he did know that she'd be in a decent bit of pain, especially if she hadn't taken the medicine he had given her the night before. He finished up the charts he had and then wandered out to her, humming as if in thought as he neared her. "You know, your meds would help with that pesky leg of yours," he noted, half teasing her, wanting to see how she'd respond. He sighed slightly after a moment of silence. "We're evacuating all non critical patients," he told her. "You'll be moved to a safer one up north a few hunfred miles. Your parents can come with if we can get hold of them," he added. He'd be staying behind, with the critical patients who couldn't be moved. It was practically a death sentence, he knew that ...but they needed someone, and his life wasn't so great anyway. Besides, they'd told him to stay. He could leave, technically, but he wasn't going to just abandon those who needed him most. Like the girl from the day before, who was still unconscious in her bed.
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Florida rolled her eyes when the boy neared. "I took them already." She snapped. She swallowed and remembered what she had decided she was going to do. She sighed and looked up at him, making accidental eye contact. "They didn't work" she groaned, glancing back down.When he started speaking again she slumped back agaist the back of the chair. "I'm not a patient, so I'm going no where. Plus i have to stay with Grace." she folded her arms over her chest. "my Mom can do whatever she wants. Go ahead and call her if y'all want." she said through gritted teeth. She hated talking about parents, especially since her biological father was out of the picture, along with the four other men her mother had been in major relationships with since the divorce and death seven years prior.
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Sage sort of wrinkled his nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Right," he grumbled. It made sense though...she'd been up in a tree and such, so normal pain meds may not do much for her. "Maybe stay on the ground for a few days," he suggested. "And I can smell something brewing in there....I'm going to give you something stronger to ward it off," he added, handing her different bottles he'd already grabbed. Stronger pain meds and antibiotics both. 'i figured you'd need both by now if you were planning on climbing through the window any chance you got." He cocked his head when she mentioned she wasn't going anywhere. "Yesterday you wanted somewhere safe, now you want to stay at an abandoned hospital with critical patients and a beast boy," he snorted, rather surprised at it all. Of course, when she mentioned her mom, he frowned. "I take it you two don't get along then," he murmured. "As a doctor I'm required to ask....she treat you ok? She hasnt...hit you or... anything?" He was mostly asking about that because of his own father....and his tone might have given some of that away, his accent slipping through a bit. He tried to keep it hidden....he had enough for people to bully him about, so he didn't tell anyone he wasn't even born in this country, but was an immigrant, along with his father and sister. But when he was worried or tired or agitated it tended to come through....and he was admittedly all of those things right about then.
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Florida rolled her eyes. "What do you mean 'brewing'?" She asked, her head tilted slightly. She stared at the new bottles in her hands. "Oh?" she asked when he mentioned her climbing out the window. "Stalking me now?" she grit her teeth. "Being in an abandoned hospital is better than staying at home" she spat, turning away from him. She sat in silence for a second after his question. "You don't have any right poking into my personal business. I stay out of yours, so you get your nose out of mine" She pulled herself up and hobbled to the doors, watching the black smoke rise into the sky. Her mother had never hit her, but the drunkards she brought home did. Florida shuttered at the thought and wrapped her arms tighter around her body, leaning all of her weight on her good leg
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Sage rolled his eyes slightly in response to her first comment. "the beginning of an infection, that's what," he snorted. "So antibiotics are going to be taken whether I have to tie you to a bed and tube feed them to you or you choose to do it normally," he sort of snapped back at her. Though, he gave her a bored look when she accused him of stalking her. "You were ten feet from the open window," he pointed out. 'if the winds right I can smell in a ten mile radius or more," he added. He felt his eyebrows rise when she mentioned she'd rather stay here than go home, and he pursed his lips slightly when she got all defensive about her family. He huffed out a breath after a moment and walked over to stand next to her silently for a moment. "A thought for a thought then," he suggested. "If I tell you something about my family, you tell me something about yours." Maybe he was putting too much faith in her to actually agree or to respond after he told her about him and his father....but he did want to make sure she was ok, at least physically. No one deserves abusive parents.
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Florida snorted. "As if I would tell you about my sad excuse of a family" She turned and hobbled back to her seat. She did not like him being her little shadow. "And why would tell you something personal if I don't even know your name?" She asked, trying to add the confusion into her voice instead of the snarkiness. She felt another tremor from a nearby bomb and she gripped the arm of the chair before sitting down. She hated that he was using his job as a way to get into her business. Florida put the bottle of pills on the flat arm of the chair and crossed her arms. "So... Introductions or no background? What'll it be?" Flo asked, her sea green eyes meeting his for a moment
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Sage snorted softly, sort of just huffing a breath out of his nose when she didn't respond. "I'm a trauma doctor," he noted, moving to sit down on a chair next to her tiredly. "You get used to telling people things, if it gets them to tell you information you need to help them," he mused, not entirely happy about it. She did have a point though....although he did raise an eyebrow at her last comment. "If I tell you will you use it or just continue to call me names," he questioned, in a slightly more annoyed tone.
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Florida toyed with a strand of her brown hair. "I don't have trauma" she said, her voice straining to get the words out. her mother had too many strangers to count and each and every one had been kicked out because they had to be mean to Flo. That was the only thing good about her mother... though for every man she kicked out another was on her doorstep within 24 hours. Flo looked at the guy sitting beside her. "Depends on what it is. If it's something generic than nicknames are without questions." She teased lightly. The story behind her name was too long and confusing. Anytime she mentioned anything about the backstory, people pushed her to tell them. Florida froze and stared at her shoes. Maybe here was something wrong wwith her. Why was she so gullible? She practically had 'pushover' written on her forehead. She sighed. Pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together in her mind.
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Sage hummed in response to her comment, shrugging slightly. "Maybe not, but I've learned to see the worst in people," he murmured. Ok, so maybe he was pathetic, but it was true. Day after day he was in here seeing the worst possible cases. And then he went to a school where he was bullied for being part werewolf. It didn't make sense, but when you're told things long enough you quickly start to believe them. Which was probably why his self esteem was so awful. Though he couldn't help but chuckle at the girls comment about nicknames. "I'm Sage," he mused after a moment. "Not sure it's very much of a nickname sort of name," he added after thinking for a moment. "what about you," he asked with a cocked head. "If you're planning on sticking around, we'll be there only two people here conscious, so knowing your name could help conversation at least," he noted with a slightly amused tone. So maybe she wasn't so bad ... Then again, maybe he was just desperate for someone who wasn't hitting him. He'd been hurt by people he'd been close to before... So he definitely wouldn't put it past her, as she'd already been mean to him. But she seemed... Decent, so far. Even if she was disobeying his medical suggestions. Edited at August 10, 2024 10:00 PM by NightClan
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Flo grimaced. "I hope not everyone?" She said, not intending for it to end up as a question. His job must be so sad to not even try to see good in someone. SHe shrugged it off. She didn't need to feel bad for him. "Well hello Sage" she said. "That's not one you hear everyday" she said, feeling a little shy the second he asked her name. "I'm Florida" She giggled at his next statement. "Well I hope atleast SOMEONE ends up waking up."She said. She patted his arm then pushed herself up. "If I had left you would've been stuck here all alone with these near-corpses. How depressing"
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