The next sigh that came out of Ella's mouth was that of pure boredom, and she gave a large shrug, getting slightly annoyed at his lack of explanation. She gave him a soft look nonetheless, pulling a loose strand of hair, flicking it off her finger. "I'm obviously not gonna let that happen" She said quietly, though being just 17 and a girl, she had less power than you would have thought from the queen. That was something she didnt mind, though. "I dont know what i'm meant to do with you. Send you out to get food like its hundreds of years ago? Make you go and get letters?" She asked, the frown staying on her face. She was becoming incredibly uncomfortable in her dress, and she pulled it up her leg slightly, easing the itch of the uncomfy fabric. "Where are you meant to sleep, by the way?" Ella threw the question out there suddenly, looking down at her hair as usual as she did so. She had a habit of coming out with the most unrelated, stupid questions possible when she was bored, and luckily for her, couldt care less what the next person thought.
Sage grunted in response to her comment about what she was to have him do and shrugged. "I guess," he mused. "Something like that. Clean the room or whatever." Though, at her next comment he sort of just stared at her blankly for a moment. He'd just slept with the old queen....she never let him do anything different. "My corner I guess," he mused after a moment, looking down at the things he had there. He supposed it could be worse....but it would get cold quickly, he figured. Especially with winter coming up. And he didn't really have warm clothes...his had all been made for looks
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"And if i let you do what you want, thats a..bad thing?" Ella asked, tilting her head slightly. He had certainly made it sound that way after all, and she didnt fancy bossing him round all day every day. Why she couldnt just be a normal civilian was beyond her. Getting increasingly irritated with her hair, she scraped it back into a ponytail, leaving a couple strands out as usual, and then carried on the conversation, peering at Sage though it was getting difficult to see him, being planted in the corner when it was getting dark. "Surely thats uncomfortable. You didnt sleep in the bed? Or have one of your own?" She asked, rubbing her leg nervously.
Sage shrugged slightly at her first comment, muttering "well that's what everyone seems to think," he to her. "I'm sort of not allowed out of this room unless specifically directed by someone," he grumbled, though he did try not to complain too much. He at least had a roof over his head. "Well...your aunt kept me in the bed," he admitted. "But you've already said you didn't want me there, so I'll make do here," he said, trying to sound at least a bit lighthearted. Besides....he was used to being cold and uncomfortable, he supposed. At least he could keep some of his dignity this way, not having to act the same as before.
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"Well you dont have to..sleep in a corner. But I wont force you to sleep in the bed if you really dont want to. Just go and get more blankets and stuff." Ella shrugged, doing her best not to sound too demanding. She rubbed her eyes slowly, blinking as they re-adjusted to the light, then looked back at Sage. "What about food? Did you get that yourself or did my aunt get it for you?" She asked, tilting her head as she asked the question. She had a lot more questions to throw at the boy, though he looked like he wanted to be absolutely anywhere else. Which was understandable.
He shrugged in response to her first comment. "Well what's easier for you," he asked, with a slight eye roll. "I don't care if I'm in the bed as long as we just sleep.. but I don't mind the corner much either," he mused with a sort of shrug. A bed would be nice, especially if it was a bed without any kind of activity. But he'd take some blankets in the corner too....he'd rather be a bit uncomfortable there than forced into something in bed. "They usually slide a plate under the door if they remember," he informed her. At least she'd thought about food. Her aunt could have cared less if he'd eaten.
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Ella yet again frowned at Sages comments, twizzling her hair round her finger, tilting her head. "Well i don't mind you sleeping in the bed. It's big enough for us not to touch, plus i won't..force you to do anything." She added, flinching at her own comments. The food comments made her furrow her brow even more, and she looked up in confusion. "Oh..well i can get you food if you ever need. Or, you can go and get it. I don't care" her tone was slightly harsh, though she didn't mean it.
Sage nodded when she mentioned he could use the bed, a light blush appearing on his face at her next comment. "Thanks," he sort of mumbled, not really sure how tor respond to it, but more just thanking her for letting him just use the bed. It did seem nice...a bed to just sleep in. It was definitely better than the floor. He nodded when she said he had permission to go get food. "If you're letting me leave you'll have to tell the old guys in charge out there," he said with a shrug. "or write a note saying I have permission I can show them or something. They're a bit picky about who goes where and when," he half complained.
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Ella nodded, shifting her position on the chair, her gaze settling down on her legs, glazed over as she xoned out slightly." Well okay. Just let me know when you wanna get food and i'll do that" She said, giving a slight smile though her eyes were still zoned out. It had been a while since the coronation, and she was beginning to get quite bored. - Should I base it off like, old time royalty? As in how it used to be, sort of medieval/victorian? Or today's sort of royal?)
(up to you, but old times might give way to more drama lol) Sage nodded in response to her comment, though he got the impression she was rather done talking to him, so he sighed slightly. "You can do things other than sit there and talk you know," he noted. "It's late....go to sleep or something," he grunted. He was itching to get out of these fancy clothes and he couldn't change until she was all settled herself.
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