"Are you alright?" She asked cuiously some time went by and they were getting closer to Zelda's destination
"Oh yes, I'm fine. Just thinking about home." He offered a small smile on his handsome dark face, leaning down a little to pat his horse on the neck. He had a feeling Zelda had a place in particular she was going, but he didnt know where. It wasn't just how she wasn't hesitating at all... or taking time to think... or turning at weird angles... yeah she was definitely going somewhere. Tyler looked ahead through the trees, his black eyes narrowing.
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They had arrived outside some trees, "woah" she said, slowing Toby down, she looked around then at Tyler "If I bring you to this place, you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about it, especially NOT the king and queen ok?" She said stirnly
Tyler looked amused. "For one.. there is no bringing. I'm nit your friend on some high school journey to the land of rainbows. I'm your bodyguard following you where you go because there is probably someone out there that wants to kill you." Tyler snickered slightly, but tried to keep a emotionless face. "For two, it is also my job to listen to what you say, and I wouldn't tell the king or queen unless you gave me a direct order to." He finished, shifting on his horse and making sure he was a little ways behind the princess.
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She dismounted "ok sorry, but please don't be rude.. my parents don't know I come to this place, and I'm not really. Supposed to ride horses because "that's not what a young lady should do" my father always says.. but I like riding, and I'm not much of a lady so yeah" she lead the horse through the trees and hitched him outside a old stone building, she went inside, there were study papers, books, experiments and little tests "this is all my work" she said sitting at her work desk and checking some of the papers
He nodded, looking around. Tyler was.. glad that he wasn't the bodyguard to some stuck up princess. He listened to what she said, not responding but hearing. Tyler gazed around the small space, filled with papers and books. After that he walks back outside, standing against the wall with his arms crossed and his 'stone cold emotionless face' on.. as his friends called it back home. They said when he looked like that even they didn't want to be near him.. because he looked so scary.
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She sat down and started looking at some results from her last test subject, while focusing really hard she asked: "So, why don't the king and queen like you? my father doesn't seem pleased about who was chosen"
When she started speaking to him Tyler stepped back inside, relaxing against the wall. "Well... there are lots of reasons not to like me." He started, making an expression for the first time since he had been at the castle. His nose kind of... twitched. Wow. Amazing. Anyway, he started again, "I guess some people don't like me because I am what you royals call a 'redneck'. Some people may not like me because I live in Texas. Some people may not like me because I raise cattle just to kill them and eat them, or sell the, to someone who will kill them and eat them. Some people may not like me because I work in the dust and dirt all day, or don't take Sundays off. Some people don't like me because I wear all black. Those are just some of the reasons people don't like ME, and that's not even the beginning. I'm sure there are hundreds more I couldn't even name. So, I can't say for sure why the king didn't not like me." Tyler frowned just slightly because he knew all those reason were completely absurd.. but true. No one understood him.. and when people couldn't understand you, or what you did, they didn't like you.
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Zelda stopped what she was doing and looked at Tyler in shock, she couldn't believe what she was hearing "Wow... Seriously?! That sounds so dumb! Just because you live in Texas? Wow BIG DEAL, so what? it's not your fault you live there, you may like it there and that's ok. and i've never seen a cow in my life so you're so lucky to own them, i personally don't like working in dirty environments but someone has to, You don't take Sundays off? Well that just goes to show how hard you work! And especially the fact that you wear all black? That shouldn't matter! People can wear what they want and if you like black clothes then that's ok, those are no reason for people to dislike you! They are all idiots for that!" She said raising her voice, she couldn't believe that people would be so rude, she took a deep breath "Well for what it's worth, i think you're pretty cool, i think you're a good bodyguard and think it's cool what you like and do, i try to never judge people.."
She turned back and started performing tests