Sage half jumped when he heard the girl's voice, and glanced in her direction, nose twitching at the smell of the food she held. He sort of wearily reached for the plate, half expecting her to take it back ...there were plenty of the guards who'd do that just to annoy him. But he secured the plate and scurried back to his cot, where he sort of just gulped it all down. He did try to act like he wasn't absolutely starving, but, well....he was. "Sage," he muttered in response to the girls question. "Although most people just find some slur to throw at me," he snorted with a shrug.
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Cassandra said " well I not those kind of people and nice to meet you sage " before watching him and said " would you like another plate I can get you one " as she leans against the wall and then looks around before thinking- it is nice to have someone to talk to be I am scared he might make me get him out if he starts flirting then is over with the conversation- she nods to herself before smiling
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Sage hummed and then a shrugged. He wasn't sure how to respond to her first comment, other than a wearily thankful glance and then shook his head, setting the now empty plate on the floor to slide back out of his cell. "Tempting, but I shouldn't get used to too much food," he hummed. "I already eat better in here than I do out there."
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Cassandra said " why you look like you need it " as she takes the plate and hands it to the maid who walks in and then Cassandra looks back at him and said " would you like something to do in the ceiling I got some bored games somewhere around here" as she smiles before looking for her note book and wonders were she left it or did those boys take it to look at her drawings if so they are dead
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Sage shrugged and waved her comment away. "I'll manage," he hummed. Then he cocked his head slightly, a slight smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. "You know to play a game you'd have to actually get close enough to the cell for me to reach through the bars," he noted, figuring she wouldn't want to do that.
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Cassandra grabs a table some board games and unlocked the ceiling before putting the table at the door and and pulls a chair before saying " I am not scared of you I can hold my own and if you try to escape I have a sword " before smiling and said " so what do you want to play " as she looks up at him and smirks she like the way she puts her sentence and she knows he would have to get her down to get out so it won't work for him
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Sage huffed out a breath and shrugged, though he was surprised when she just...unlocked the cell. Sure, he'd have to beat her in a fight to escape, which probably wouldn't end well for him, but he also hadn't expected her to be so carefree about it all. "I don't care, I haven't really played many games," he admitted, almost heasitantly going over to sit at the table.
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Cassandra said " okay we will play chess my favorite game" as she puts the others away and then sat down and said " you scared of me or not I don't want you to be afraid I won't hurt you " as she lowers her head and sighed as she sets things up and looks up at him and smiles before looking at the door to make sure leader wasn't come she would be in trouble for doing this
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Sage nodded and settled himself down by the table. At her question, he grunted and shrugged. "Afraid of you? No. Do I realize that I do something stupid you could probably easily beat my ass? Yes." He cocked his head slightly, eyes flickering about the girls face. "do I trust you? That remains to be seen," he hummed. "But for now, let's play." He did hope she didn't get in trouble for this though.
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Cassandra said " trust is hard for people but me beating you ass might not be easy I don't weigh much and it seem like you can easily take down a girl " as she smirks before nods and said " yes let's play" as she starts to game with a peg moving one up and said " don't worry I take responsibility for my actions and if I get in trouble I don't think they would be head me "
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