I definitely get more satisfaction from SD than AD. Plus it's easier to hand show them as well as there's only 1 day of actually looking at bars needed
Harper looked at the foal one more time. "Yeah, I'll never understand how someone could do that to an animal." She said as she looked at the barn. She heard a whinny and knew that it was Shatter letting her know he was bored.
Harper watched the barn for a minute and then looked back to Vincent. "Yeah, my thoroughbred let's me know when he is bored and wants to do something." She said. "With switching barn we haven't been competing recently, so he gets bored easier." She said as she stroked V's neck.
Harper looked at Vincent. "Yeah, he raced for close to 5 years." She said as she looked back at the barn. "He is fine to wait." She finished as she looked to where she could see Shatters head hanging over the stall door.
Vincent said "cool I seen raves horses but I always thought they would get hurt by doing that "as he looks at her then said "well that all we have to show I guess"
Harper looked back. "Okay, well thank you for the tour." She said as she looked up to the barn and saw a little chestnut mare in the walkway of then barn that looked all to familiar. "Rush, what are you doing?" She said to her mare who had unlatched her stall and was walking through the walkway of the barn. She nudged V into a walk towards the barn.
Vincent got off and ties his horse up before grabbing Heaney halter and when to get him then got back on and trots off to the trails they had he wanted Heaney to not be afraid of the forest
Harper got off V and let him ground tie while she went into the barn and put Rush back in her stall. She put her back in and brought V back into his stall and untracked him. She walked to Shatters stall and tacked him up English before putting his bridle on and taking him out to the jump course. She got on and trotted and canter both ways to warm him up.