Diablo watched her fine go but i will be coming back soon and i will fight to take who i want , * he turns to walk away * and there will be no one stopping me
Light said " we will see about that" light pinned her ears back and sids step him then said" it was nice to meet you"
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Deiblo um you too .. you know you do remind me of some one i used to know he keeps walking and gets to a clearing and flys up and goes about the tree line
Light rolls her eyes and trots off into the winter area and said "sorry dad I know i am late" dad nods and when back watching the herd and light thinks about what Deiblo said and sighed
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Deiblo flys a bit higher and lookng around he could see many animals down below as he flys the sun felt good on his coat as he flys he heads back to his herd and flys over and around checking things out and he lowers his wings a bit and glides to the ground running then slows down to a stop shaking out his mane ,snorting a bit young colt comes over to greet him and deiblo nods his head a bit * every thing stay calm while i was a way ' young colt said yes it did leader ' Deiblo good he walks up to the front part to check on the mares that where there they seemed countent for the moment he looked around woundering if he should recruit more young males to fight in the up coming war ,he lowers his head and starts to nibble on some fresh grass that was there Edited at July 17, 2022 01:04 PM by Thundering stables
Light walks around the herd and sighed we had like two young stallions come by and try to take the mares but her dad keep that from happening light trots up to a foal and said"you having fun" the foal nods and said" I ma having a blast what about you" light smiles and said" I ma having a good time"
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Deiblo keeps eating the grass there then looked up hearing somthing off to the one side he walks over there and looked in to the forest that was not far form where the mares where , he trots over and moves the mares way form the forest tree line a bit he stands there watching for a bit moving his ears back and forth a bit lessoning also waiting for something or someone to walk out of those trees , he sniffed tha air and snorts pawing at the ground
Light started to play with the foal chasing her around and the other foal join the fun her dad watches them then look back at the herd and sighed he didn't really like being lead stallion but he didn't want his mare even his daughter to got to a bad stallion
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Deiblo come out he tossed his head and waits and moves a bit standing tall waiting ,he see the young colt step out ,i see report , he lessons to the colts report um i see good , you may go rest have another check the border under stood ? ' young colt steps out sir it me , nods to the lead stallon , every thing staying calm and there 3 other herds in the area , there two to the north and one to the west , he nods hearing the leader yes sir he turns and trots off to go do that Edited at July 18, 2022 02:15 PM by Thundering stables
Light gallops little faster then the colt before stopping when the colt ran into the woods she calls out " time to go back come on" but she didn't hear anything Light walks into the woods and look around for a while before backing up and going to tell her father (Sorry for the late reply)
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