He shrugged. "The guys on the sidewalk are either oblivious or dumb. And they aren't armed. The most dangerous ones stay hidden." He started walking away, heading for the forest. "Just get a knife or something," he called back. "And they won't bother you."
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She walked up to the door unlocking it and walking inside, she shut the door behind her and locked it. she walked to the kitchen and put everything away. the man of the house was drunk he hit her across the face and yelled at her wondering why she was late. she held her hand against her face and ran to the washroom to clean up her wounds.
Sage walked into the forest and sat down by the river. He munched on the apple as he sat and pondered why the girl had given him food. The only people he interacted with were trying to kill him or he was stealing from them.
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she went to her room after cleaning up and changed into some comfortable clothes, she laid down in her bed curling up and pulling a blanket over her body. a red mark in the shape of a hand-formed on her face.
After eating, sage decided to go wander around because he was bored. Now that he wasn't so hungry, he had energy and was confident enough he could fight his way through pretty much any confrontation if he needed to.
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Ellie closed her eyes and fell asleep. she shifted every once on a while to gett comfy as she slept.
He wandered around for a while before going back to the forest. He climbed a tree and leaned against the trunk, drifting into a light sleep after a few hours.
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She slept through the night, she woke up before the sun rose. she got changed, started cleaning up the house then started making breakfast for the family.
Sage woke up as the sun started to rise and slid out of the tree. He finished the bread and wandered around in the woods, keeping an eye out for berries or nuts he could eat, as well as any animals or people.
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She finished cooking set the table and went to finish her chores she did her best to avoid the man of the house. she didn't like him very much, she wanted to tell his wife but she was too scared.