
Winter walks into the portal and looks around before waiting for shuriken
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"Welcome to my home." Shuriken said as he walked up to Raven in his true form

Ghost smiles and saw them winter said " beautiful place " winter eye blured so she couldn't see much
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"Thank you." Raven said to her as she walked up to winter "winter lay down I already have what I need to heal you on me." Raven said to her

Winter said "I fine I keep tell shuriken that the knife isn't killing me"
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"From the looks of it is." Raven said to her as she walked over in pulled the knife out "knife not going to kill you maybe not but the infection will and that's what it was doing." Raven then said

Ghost saw the knife and said "can I have that knife " winter sighed and lays down before saying " fine"
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Raven handed Ghost the knife and then tended to her wound more "there you should be better now." Raven said to her

Ghost looks at it and said "how the heck do you get this knife stuck in your side" winter said " Mesa demon had it"
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"At least it couldn't kill you like this one can." Raven said as she used her magic and showed the dager that she once thought ending her life with