Anya shrugged lightly, "Depends on who they work for. They'll for sure be a few of them over here, and they'll probably come in a hoard." She noted with a chuckle, glancing at the ground. She found herself a little concerned. This would mean more people to be wary of. These were people who wouldn't just like the reward if they ratted her out - they'd bathe in her misery that being locked up in her room would bring her. It made her slightly reluctant to come out the next night - though, she would have to see just how many people showed up. There were a few days until the ball, so she doubted that there would be a huge influx of people right away. She gave Sage a shallow smile. "Hopefully you'll get to take more breaks. It might mean I'll get to see you when you're not exhausted more often." She teased lightly.
Sage chuckled and nodded. "Well thanks to you I should be able to do that." He grinned and shrugged. "I've had plenty of practice in getting hoards to behave," he pointed out. "It'll be busy but I'll manage it just fine. I always somehow manage." He thought for a second and sighed thoughtfully. "If they're servants they'll probably come to the tavern Im at just so they can act rediculous for a night. They don't get that often I would assume. The other tavern they would still have to be respectful to the higher up that's occasionally there."
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Anya nodded thoughtfully, "It makes sense. They do what they're told all day, it's probably nice they get to let go a bit. Though, it might be to your dismay." She noted with a chuckle and shook her head. They would most likely cause the poor boy some trouble. Not nasty per say, but rather in their arrogance. Being around people so entitled rubbed off on you after a while, no matter where you came from.
Sage snorted out a laugh and shrugged. "Yeah, but I'm used to that so it shouldn't be an issue," he muttered with a small grin. "Besides, if they get too bad I can always drag them out. Or, rather, trick someone else into dragging them out because I'll be busy and probably won't feel like dragging a huge mountain man out the door by myself." He chuckled lightly at the thought of the many times he'd done that. It was always comical to see someone large be dragged away be someone as small as he was.
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The girl raised a brow at him, "Oh, I thought that chucking people out would be up in your favorites, no?" She joked sarcastically. It would mean one less rowdy drunk to deal with, yet again, the chances of them being stroppy about it later on, were high - and that could mean more chance of a fight taking place. Sage wasn't a big guy either and while she didn't doubt his strength, she couldn't imagine he would have it easy trying to chuck a big brick of a man - or multiple of such - out.
Sage snickered and shook his head. "I don't enjoy trying to drag someone three or four times my size out of the tavern. Punching someone who's being annoying is one thing, that's somewhat satisfying. But trying to deal with some guy causing a ruckus by kicking him out is just annoying." He shrugged and grinned. "Although his friends usually get mad and that starts a fight I can deal with happily. It gets me out of other work too. Although then I have five people to drag out instead of just one, which is also an issue " he made a face. "Win some lose some I guess."
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"Can't have it all." She huffed with a soft chuckle. She cocked her head at him for a moment before wrinkling her nose in a friendly way, "You mean it's satisfying to knock their lights out?" She asked with a slight scoff. She could kind of see the appeal, though. There were a handful of people she would happily knock the lights off of, just for being annoying, though, if she were to actually do that, heads were likely to roll. "See, it's hard to imagine you turning into some crazy dude who goes around sucker punching annoying people in taverns after listening to you pour your heart out." She teased. She had seen him looking after Lizzie - though, he wasn't exactly fighting back, rather defending what he could.
Sage laughed and shook his head. "Ok, I can see your point," he admitted. "But yes, punching the crap outta annoying people is pretty satisfying when you're annoyed with life and they come in and make you go over the edge." He shook his head again with a grin on his face. "Granted, sometimes it backfires on ya but then you just go prank them after the fact or something." He glanced over at Anya with a mischievous grin spreading across his face. 'you could prank people and get away with it. Punching is kinda out for you "
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The girl looked thoughtful for a moment before letting a smirk crawl onto her face, "I've tried the whole prank thing." She noted, biting her bottom lip for a second, "Nothing original, mind. I don't have the imagination for that. Glue in the shoe type jokes." She grumbled. Though she had been criticized for it, she could admit the look on stoic people's faces when they realized they couldn't get their shoes off was rather amusing - not to the victim of her pranks, mind, they must have just been thankful for socks, or they'd have to deal with having their shoes stuck to their feet for a while. She tilted her head at him slightly. Suddenly, the idea of pranking Sage seemed... appealing. Not to scare him or anything, but something actually fun.
Sage chuckled and shrugged. "Well if people annoy you enough you'll come up with something fun to get them back with. You're smart enough." He was still thinking of how he wanted to prank Anya....he wanted it to be something fun. Playful. But mostly he knew things to annoy people. Definitely should not do that to Anya, he wanted to stay friends.
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