
"I meant- I meant if you wanted to go back to the real world." Trixie said softly, but she walked with him nonetheless. She nodded slowly. "See, I wouldn't be able to handle that." She said quietly, leaning into him again. She listened to him quietly, pausing for a few moments after he spoke. "I don't want you to go in alone." She muttered somewhat worriedly, pressing into his hug and reciprocating it somewhat tightly with a nod. "Okay. Thank you. For everything you're doing for me. And everything you've done." She said quietly.

"Yeah. I'd just rather get off the beach" Matt said, kicking up sand as usual. "I used to wanna go back, yeah. That was when half the people hadnt forgotten I existed, they're all dropping off the list. Including my..well, ex i guess." he said,his tone somehwat sad. "And I understand, it would be upsetting. If you wanna stay here just make sure you follow the various rules, you know? Or you'll be kicked out" he added, giving Trixie a weak smile. At her somewhat quiet thanks he gave a nod, settling his hands on her waist. "Its okay. Though, Trixie, you cant let yourself get attached to me. You'll have to stop it somehow" he said, his tone turning serious again. If your bond was really too strong with someone who was about to drop off the face of the world, you'd really be in for an eternal struggle once they were gone.

Trixie gave him an empathetic look, letting out a small sigh as she watched him. "I'm sorry." She said softly, giving him a small side squeeze. She shuffled uncomfortably at the mention of rules, nodding. "Okay. I'll do my best." She said somewhat sarcastically, returning his small smile, which brightened when he laid his hands on her waist. It fell when he went back to his whole getting attached diatribe. "I dont want to stop myself." She said softly, giving him a slightly pitiful look. "I mean, there has to be some way you can stay. You must be able to do something." She said softly. ((IDEA So, she ends up getting attached to him in the end and either: A) Theres a glitch in the system and he cant leave, he ends up becoming wanted or something, maybe? I dunno B) He gets pulled, Trixie falls into a rut Ends up getting pulled not a huge amount of time later (a year, maybe a few)- and somehow, they meet- and some part of their brains recognize each other, poof it goes from there?))

both of those ideas are actually great- id like the second idea but i feel like after a while it would be tricky to find things to write about when they're in the real world) and with the first one that literally sounds perfect, but with the whole glitch thing, and seeing as he's wanted etc, IF him/both of them end up getting caught they could be sent to a different world? except instead of one with their dreams, one with their fears? i don't mindddd)) - Matt shook his head sadly, stepping up onto the concrete from the beach as the sea finally reached the wall, pulling Trixie with him to avoid them getting soaked. "i think i'm too far in a bad reputation to go back now, it's just a matter of time" He said, giving her a weak smile. "we'll both know when it's actually getting dangerous, you start to actually feel pain when you're close to being pulled away. Especially the pain from whatever landed you here" He explained, his hand instinctively being drawn to his stomach. "just don't..don't let us go much further" he finished with, though he knew how bad what he had just said sounded.

Ooooh I like the second one And we could always say they escape from the fear world into the real world)) Trixie went with him, eager to be close. She frowned at him, gently curling her arms around him and laying one on the back of his head to stroke his hair gently. She winced. "I'm so sorry. I wish... I wish you could stay. I wish I could keep you from being in pain." She said softly. She flinched ever so slightly at his last words, laying her forehead against his shoulder. "Please, Matteo. Don't say that. You're the best person I've met here, I want to go further. I don't care what happens later." She pleadee softly; raising her head to look at him. "Please." She said, holding his gaze.

sounds good, so im guessing it goes like -there's a glitch when he gets pulled and instead he ends up staying, he ends up wanted (and maybe Trixie too), they (or just him) gets caught and sent to the fear world, and then at some point they escape from there into the real wordl? Then they at some point end up meeting?) - "Its okay I'll be okay. The pain hasnt started yet and honestly, i'm glad. I'm not sure the headache from a concussion and the sting from a jellyfish will be all too comfortable." Matt smiled heading for the direction of the car as they hit the end of the beach. Her words hurt, and he flinched a little as she spoke. "I've always said thats never happeneing Trixie, I cant deal with the pain of us both knowing we wont ever see each other again." he said, shaking his head with a solemn look. "As long as I stop myself from falling in love with you" he added incredibly quietly, stopping as they reached the car.

Trixie let out a small sigh, walking with him. "But that's so unfair! I'll have to deal with it too." She said, giving him a stubborn look. She could tell he murmured something, and she could make out just enough to get the gist. "Say that again." She whispered, gently grabbing his shoulder and looking up at him in a slight panic.

Matt shot Trixie a weak smile, not incredibly sure on what to say. He hadnt meant for the conversation to turn so dark and depressing, but at the same time at least she knew completely now where she was, and what would happen. Right? He turned round as she grabbed his shoulder, wincing internally at her panic. "I said, as long as I stop myself from falling in love wh you. If it ever got to the point" he repeated, giving a weak smile.

Trixie froze as he spoke, her breath hitching. Simply the idea that he thought he would fall in love with her made her want to melt. "I don't think that's something you can stop yourself from doing, love." She relaxed and remembered how to breathe after a few long moments. "You only have so long left in this world, Matt." She said softly, sliding her hand up to rest on his cheek. "Nothing has to happen. But don't let fear prevent your last weeks here from being as great as they could be. Don't limit yourself." She said quietly, giving him a soft smile.

Matt gently took her hand as she rested it on his cheek, leaning against the car in thought. He seemed certain he had upset himself more than her with that last sentence. "Maybe I can't emotionally stop myself, but I can at least try, Trixie. I don't want to end up falling in love with you, or with anyone" he said, aware of how harsh his words sounded. But then again, he had to be harsh to get his point across sometimes, did he not? He leant into her hand for a couple more seconds before stepping back, pulling the keys out his pocket. "We should go. Do you want me to take you back to yours?" He asked politely, looking down at the car.