She turned and glared at him " you know there was a front door" she said crossing her arms, but then she ran up to him and kissed him, "I am glad your ok" she whispered in his ear
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Vincent shrugged and kissed her and said " I wanted to surprise you " as he smiles before saying " I didn't even know she was alive anyhow"
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" me either, how did you know where she was?" She said, turning to look at her mother who was staring at them, Kayla took a step closer and said "hi"
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Vincent said " she was back at your house and I stop her on the road " her mother said " hi I can't believe this I through you were gone your dad said nothing about you or where you gone"
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She smiled and hugged her mother, she turned and looked at Vincent and smiled at him, she mouthed the words 'thank you' "come on let's go inside" she said
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Vincent nods and opens the door for them to go in and said " hope your hungry" her mom laughs and said " of course I haven't seen your father around Vincent " Vincent said " he is gone "
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Kayla stepped inside and went to the bathroom, she sat down her arms wrapped around her belly, she felt awful, her mind came up with an idea of what it was, but she waved it away, surely she couldn't be pregnant, she settled with the idea of a belly ache, she then stood and walked out to the others
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Vincent wondered what was wrong but didn't ask she will say on her time Vincent sat down and leans again the chair and her mom said " when have you ever started eating human food"
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Kayla looked at the two then dug hungrily into her food thinking about if she was pregnant, how would she tell Vincent, he had warned her that night, but she didn't listen, she felt so dumb now for listening to him
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for not listening to him*
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