The girl threw the knife once more - though, it bounced off the side of the tree. The girl rolled her eyes slightly before going to grab it again. Unfortunately, it didn't seem that she had ever had to learn patience. She knew with time and help she would get better... Hopefully enough so that she could look after herself when Sage wasn't about. There would be times when he had more important things to do than mess about with her. When that happened, she didn't want to be afraid to be out alone. She paused for a moment, watching Sage as he started chucking his own knife about. She gave a shallow smile, "One day, perhaps, I'll actually be able to do this as well as you do." She noted teasingly. It might happen - in the extremely distant future.
Sage glanced over at her and chuckled. "I've been doing this since I was six or seven," he pointed out. "But I have no doubt you'll figure it out just like I did." He shrugged. "You went to school, right? Keep simple physics in mind and you'll absolutely get it." He knew she was good and knew she would get it, probably quicker than he picked it up when he was younger. Although, shes older learning it than he was so that was pretty much expected. That being thought, he had another thought. He turned back to Anya after throwing his knife a few more times. "Don't strain yourself either. If you start getting tired go ahead and stop. Pulling a muscle isn't going to help you hide the fact that you're sneaking out."
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Anya raised a brow at him, "Oh because god forbid Lady Anya hurts herself," Anya chortled, putting a hand on her forehead dramatically. She knew he wasn't particularly worried, but he was right. If she was even a little stiff the next day, there would be cause for commotion. She would also hate herself for it. Anya gave a small huff, leaning against a tree not too far as she watched him. She cocked her head at im for a moment as she thought, "You know, you're pretty talented - not just at chucking knives about and battling with metal spoons, but like... at everything. It's amazing that you've taught yourself all this." She shrugged, fiddling around with the dagger as she spoke. She knew it wouldn't have been easy... Sage most likely had to grow up quickly, just to be chucked into the deepend.
Sage laughed and shook his head. "Everything? Hardly," he chuckled. "I can fight and do things like that because it was learn those things and be good at them or get killed. The other stuff most kids so, like go to school or have friends, I haven't done. I'm not exactly good with meeting people." He walked over to her and leaned against a tree. "Like I'm not the best at reading and my handwriting is horrible. That kind of thing that's probably useful to you just isn't to me." He shrugged again. "People have different skill sets based off of what their lives look like. Ours have just been...really different."
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Anya looked at him for a moment before resting her head back. "I think a lot of things I've been taught arent exactly useful. For example, I had french drilled into me when I was younger. The same goes for the piano. You're good at everything you need to be good at," She grumbled, "I get reading and writing. But really, what child wants to sit around doing that?" The girl huffed with a soft chuckle. "I don't understand why you think you're not good with people though," she shrugged, offering another smile, "You met me. And when you were in the tavern, your customers were... crude, to say the least. You handled it well." She reminded him gently before looking back at the ground. She knew he got into fights, and that he said he had a short fuse - but he could be civil when it mattered. "If people had the chance to get to know you, even a little, I'm sure they'd come around." Anya shrugged again.
Sage shrugged. "Maybe. But no one trusts anyone around here. And for good reason." He gave her a crooked grin. "I trust you so I can talk to you like this. If I didn't trust you, I'd still be walking with you but soley for the money, and you can bet I would talk as little as need be." He shrugged. "Besides, when you think about it, while playing the piano or speaking french isn't useful every day, it can definitely come in handy sometimes." He made a face. "I have too many bad memories of drink people to relax at all in that tavern. Besides, I don't really have a choice. Fights just get in my way."
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Anya still didn't quite get why he was so trusting of her. It wasn't like she wasn't approachable, but she would have thought he would have more cause for cation. So did she, really. While it wasn't likely, if Sage really wanted to rob her blind, he probably could. Though he seemed genuine enough, there was always that chance. Anya shook her head a little at that thought. Sage was most likely the least of her worries when she was out here. The girl raised a brow at him. "What like when I'm trying to impress high esteemed guests?" Anya rolled her eyes. It had been years since she had actually played for anyone - and the french was just so she didn't seem completely talentless. "Are you the only tavern in the village? It seemed pretty packed." She shrugged. There was probably more - though, she wasn't particularly sure how many places offered the same services as the one Sage worked at.
Sage thought for a minute and then shook his head. "there's another one, but the other tavern is usually full of higher up lower classes, if that makes sense. I get all the crazies to deal with." He said the last part with a slight chuckle, knowing that there were some crazies at the other tavern but they generally didn't get ad drunk and crazy as the people did down here. "I don't know if the other tavern offers night services or not though. If they do the people that come with the rooms volunteer for it." He shrugged and leaned against a tree trunk, pocketing his knife. "I haven't really been in there though. I have enough whiskey bottles chuckled at my head at home, let alone walking into that tavern."
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Anya nodded quietly, glancing up at the canopy for a moment. "Maybe I should have wandered in there then. More my speed, no?" She noted with a slow chuckle and a slow breath of relief that she hadn't. There was never anything worse that the lower ranks that thought they were something special. Although they didn't have it easy either, because they were higher up than the lowest rank, they felt like they had some power over them. She tilted her head at Sage as she tried to run through her head what he had just said. She had forgotten he didn't really have a choice whether he went into rooms or not. It didn't sound right, but she supposed he had to make money somehow. At least it wasn't going to happen so much now, though. She gave him a shallow smile when he mentioned the whisky bottles, "I'm actually surprised you still have a brain that half functions, what with all these bottles being thrown at you." The girl murmured teasingly. It wasn't funny though...and Anya knew that. Edited at August 6, 2022 02:13 PM by Belle
Sage chuckled. "Probably. There's still drunks there but there a bit more calm and...uh .. refined I guess. Not puking all over themselves." He grinned over at her when she mentioned the bottles being thrown at him. "That's debatable whether my brain still works or not," he laughed. "The smart thing to do is not jump into a fight without assessing the situation, and I do it anyway." He was fine with joking about it, and while it wasn't the most appropriate thing to joke about, what else in his life was really appropriate? He has killed more people than he can count, really without caring, and slept with people from the time he was like thirteen. Even his home life wasn't appropriate in any way with his dad and the way his mom went out. Only Lizzie was the appropriate thing he had. And Anya too, although they were technically breaking rules.
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