Dylan Montgomery - When she got up quickly and hurried away, rather fast, it left Dylan quite confused. But he brushed it off and got off the bike, walking down to the barn. He got Robyn out of his paddock, tacked him up, and began warming him up in the outdoor jumping arena. Once Robyn was all warmed up, they started jumping.
Lilith joined him, on her Akhal Teke. The horse snorted and whinnied, prancing around.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan saw her, but couldn't wave or say hi as he was in the middle of running a course.
Once the sun begzn to lower, Lilith made sure all of her horses were tended to. They were brushed down, fed, watered, and put in their stalls.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan had brought Robyn down a while ago, brushed him down, fed him, and watered him. Dylan was now just waiting for Lilith to take her home.
"Alright, I'm done." She stated, walking out. "Now, just gotta wait and see if the breedings with my mares worked, or not.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylan walked with her out to his motorcycle. "Which ones did you breed?" he asked casually, handing Lilith her helmet.
"Enchanted Hera, with that good looking stallion, Flashfleet. The breeding fee was onl 1,250 dollars, as it's his first time breeding." She responded.
Dylan Montgomery - Dylans eyes widened a bit. "Only 1250?" he asked sarcastically. "I don't know how you pay for that," he shook his head, putting on his helmet and getting on his motorcycle.
"It would be more, but due to Hera's prestige lineage, if the foal turns out good, then Flashfleet's owner will get it." She explained.