
"But not beneath me." Trixie teased, leaned closer to him so he could reach her easily. She laid a hand gently on his chest and reciprocated the soft kiss. She huffed as he seemed to cut it off slightly short, but she took it in her stride and glanced out the windshield to see people strolling about. She looked back at him, raising her eyebrows. "So sorry to inconvenience you- yeah, we can go in." She smiled, hopping out.

"You should be, you do it often enough" Matt teased, eventually getting out the car. He was often happy to still tease her, insult her or make questionable jokes but could only pray she never took it the wrong way. Which was very possible. He waited for Trixie before heading onto the building, looking around with a slight drown at the various groups of people. They were most likely..fans. And he could safely say he was happy being called stuck up when it came to the lower class people, he hated it. He made his way towards the front desk, getting to the front of the line almost immediately. He turned to Trixie with a sigh, eyeing the receptionists. "just tell them your name and say your with stanley, that's about it" he said quietly, gesturing towards the waiting person.

"Shut up." Trixie said playfully, swatting at him. She followed him quietly and shut down slightly as they entered the building, sticking close to his side. She gave him a hesitant look as they reached the desk, nodding at his instructions. She turned to the receptionist with a sweet smile. "Uhm, my name is Beatrix Hunt. I'm with Stanley." She offered.

Matt waited a bit behind Trixie as she spoke, raising his eyebrows slightly as she said her name. He had never thought Trixie would be short for something, so the slight surprise was only normal. He liked her name, though. The receptionist gave a clearly fake nod and started randomly typing, shooing her away with pretty much no words, waving Matt forward. He gave Trixie a smile and did so, resting on the desk. "Uh, Matt. Matteo..Caruso" he got out eventually, watching as the woman typed. After what seemed like a painful five minutes of waiting in silence, they were finally both shooed away, being handed very dark black laminate tickets. "Well..what do you wanna do now?" Matt asked slightly awkwardly.

Trixie gave the receptionist a slightly affronted look, moving to stand at Matt's side. She had a similiar reaction when he said his name. She raised her eyebrows at him slightly, smiling. She had never put much thought into it- but she figured his full name would be Mathew. His last name was also a slight surprise- she hadn't heard it before. She hovered anxiously beside Matt until they got tickets shunted at them. She took hers and tucked it into the pocket of her leggings, grabbing his wrist and gently leading him out of the way as he spoke. She shrugged, but she gave him a distinctly playful look. "We can go back to your place or something like that. Watch a movie, build a fort. If you aren't already sick of me, Matteo." She said slightly teasingly, using the opportunity to say his name.

The sound of Trixie actually saying his full name made him feel..weord. Almost no one had actually said it out loud since he even arrived there, only Stanley when he was stuck on stage in front of a loud of people. He looked down at her with a slightly surprised smile, moving out the way of a couple of others to lean against the wall. "How often are you gonna repeat my actual name?" he asked, though his voice was faltering slightly. Why he had this sort of reaction to something as small as that was stupid, or at least he felt. It was a normal thing, right? He inhaled slowly and headed out the door, kicking up the gravel underfoot. "The answer should be, not at all. Anyway, we can do whatever. I'm meant to be on the beach again, but.." his voice trailed off as he mentioned the beach. It hadnt exactly been the best for either of them last time.

Trixie smiled as she pretty much struck him dumb with the use of his full name. "I haven't decided yet." She teased. She said it again after his question just to tease him, slowly and slightly suggestively- almost a purr. "Matteo. Does it bother you?" She asked softly. She followed him with a small smile, thinking before she responded to him. "Unless you really don't want to go to the beach, I don't see anything wrong with it." She shrugged, trying her best to be nonchalant.

Matt did his best to keep his eyes on the floor as they walked, careful to hide the slight blush as she repeated his name. "It doesn't bother me, i'm just..not used to it" he said softly, almost too quietly. As they reached the car he turned round to face Trixie, his eart racing slightly. I don't have a choice, i'm just saying you dont have to come with me" he smiled, resting his hand on her waist instinctively. For a guy that pretty much prised her off of him earlier that day, it was strange how much he just wanted to have his hands on her at pretty much all times.

Trixie noticed his downcast gaze, smirking slightly. He didn't seem like he got flustered often, so she was quite proud of herself. She could just barely hear his words, walking closer to him so their arms brushed slightly as they moved. "Okay then. If it doesn't bother you, do you like it?" She asked curiously, stopping in front of him as they reached the car. "No, but I want to go with you. If you want me to, that is." She offered, smiling as he placed a hand on her waist. She moved closer to him, gently draping her arms over his shoulders to look up at him.

Matt gave a slight sigh and looked back up at Trixie, doing his best to hold eye contact."I like it" he said softly, breaking his gaze shortly after he finished his short sentence. He got into the car, waiting for her to also get in before responding to anything else she said. "Well you can then" he smiled, dodging the, what he thought, was the pain part of her sentence. If you want me to. He did, of course, but at the same time he didnt fare well with awkwardness, nor did he exactly wanna kick off again. He headed out the drive and back onto the road towards the beach, doing his best not to just stay silent.