Dakota put her head on Jacob's shoulder. "This can't happen. If you go back to jail, the kids will have to leave. I can't take care of them. Not even if your mom comes to help." Tears fell down her face. Dakota whispered to herself. "Please, Please no."
Jacob holds on her and said " I won't go to jail again I promise " kisses her forehead and when the judge said "to day we are here to judge this guy and Jacob might wonder why he is here "Jacob watches the judge said "Jacob come here for a second " Jacob got up and walks to him and said " what could I do for you sir"
"What? This is not at all what I expected!" Dakota smiled and watched Jacob walk up to the judge. Dakota sighed and grinned. She thought he would go to jail. But, he isnt.
Edited at August 22, 2022 02:50 PM by Brookfield Stables
Jacob soon smiling at what judge said "then the police said "join us be a police officer you can ride your horse" Jacob laughs and said "you got to ask my wife about that"
Dakota laughed and covered her mouth with her hand. "You have got to be kidding me!" Dakota smiled. "It's your choice. But the kids will need a babysitter then, because me and Athena have to train." Dakota said. "But, what do you mean by, What could you do for us?" Dakota asked the judge.
Judge said " Jacob dad has to pay for anything you wish for and even child support "Jacob said " but how would he get the money " judge said " by his house that he move to which cost 1 million "
Dakota gasped. That was a lot of money. "What! Oh my gosh! Yes! This is perfect!" Dakota beamed. Jacob sat back down next to her. Dakota kissed him and said. "This will give us everything we need!" She hugged him and thanked the judge. Then they went home.
"Neither do I. I did not expect them to say that." Dakota laughed and shook her head. She held Jacobs hand. Then they arrived home. "I love you!" Dakota told Jacob. "If something happens, I'll never leave your side." She smiled and looked at him. Dakota loved him with all her heart. She was gald to have met him.
Edited at August 22, 2022 07:35 PM by Brookfield Stables