Diablo keeps flying and scouts the area out him self he keeps looking around he seen a few good spots for grazing in a few days as long as no other herd takes them before he gets there
Diablo checks out the herd and he looked around he didnt see any stallion with them and flys closer more it looked like there was 5 mares there alone but why where they alone ?
Diablo - watched them to see if they where watching for a stallion comming back but he didnt see any he keeps watching and sees them fly around and low then lands in a meaddow not far from where he was scouting he takes note to where they landed then turns and starts flying back to where his herd was
Diablo flys back and flys around the meadow and checks the mares a bit as he did then he flys down and gets low and lands in a run slowing to the trot and then a walk