

Morgan flashed a happy grin, and her father seemed to play along with her. He was a happy guy, although her mother was a little more nervous of people, similar to her sister, she supposed. Although, when she saw her husband settle down again, the woman smiled and greeted him kindly. "Will you be staying for dinner?" She asked lightly. Morgan looked back over at Caleb with a small smile. "You should stay," she hummed lightly to him. All their thoughts seemed kindly. Her mother, was of course a bit nervous of the situation, but she was relaxing. Her father was... well, he didn't know the boy, so wanted to interrigate him, but saw the nervousness on the child's face, so held it all back.
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Caleb smiled and nodded. "If that's alright with you, i'd love to stay" He said softly, squeezing Morgan's hand gently in nervousness. He was a bit worried about what would be talked about at the dinner table and didn't really want to talk at all about his parents after just meeting hers
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Morgan offered him a comforting smile after a momemt, holdng his hand a little tighter. Her mother eventually shooed them off after a moment, going to make some dinner. Morgan lead him back up towards her room, and flopped down in the hammock in the corner. "I think that went well," she chirped softly to him.
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"They seem nice" He said, nodding. "No underlying thoughts is rare, and your dad seems to want to ask me the same questions you had" He joked, smiling a bit as he sat on her bed with an arm around her
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Morgan smiled over at him, flashing him her teeth. "My dad is just an older, male version of me," she chuckled lightly to him. They were good people, all of them really. "He probably has some questions. Although, please don't mention the fact that you snuck me back in while I was drunk, hm?" She asked with a bit of a laugh.
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"Why would I?" He joked back, chuckling lightly. "I...don't really want to mention my parents just yet.." He said quietly, kisssing her head. "Maybe tomorrow...." He added after a moment, trying his hardest to not listen to her thoughts but it was getting harder. He wanted so badly to know what she was thinking while he spoke, but kept his promise about staying out of her head. He ran his fingers gently through her hair, smiling a small, soft smile at her while they sat there. "What are you thinking?" He asked after a moment, dying to know
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Morgan gave a small chuckle, gently patting his chest as she flopped back on the bed. "You don't have to mention anything about you parents until you feel comfortable enough to. They're basically strangers to you," she promised him. When he kissed her head, she smiled and moved to lean up to press her lips lightly to his. "I'm thinking that we're going to have a lovely dinner, and that with any luck they'll like you enough to let you stay over," she mused lightly
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"I hope so..." He said quietly, thinking about his parents again. He really was worried about being there as they got home, worse still if Morgan was there too. He sighed, laying down on the bed and dragging her with him
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Morgan shook her head at him, and sort of took his face in her hands. "Caleb, baby, it'll all be fine," she promised him, tilting her chin up to press a few light kissed to his lips. "You know you don't have to talk about anything you don't want to, and they're gonna make sure you're all comfortable, yeah?"
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