(Heeerreee we goooo... Literally all I can think is a mouse jumping off a cliff shouting *GERONIMO* XD) +++ Ryker stood upright, his eyes glittering with alarm as Sun went to lay down and Abby immediately rushed out. he quickly got out of the way as they came in. +This is so early! i hope the foal will be okay!+ He thought. "You've read every book in the world- everything will be fine." Ryker said instead.
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Lolll whatttt???) - Abby stepped back after I clipping the mares halter and watched her. "Ima let it go as far as it possibly can. "
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That'smy mind. No explanation offered :D XD) +++ Ryker nodded, keeping the worried look off his face. he was anxious, but he wasn't going to let it show. +sun is strong. She'll be fine+ he thought, as if to reassure himself.
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(Filly or colt?) - After about an hour the foal had been born. A beautiful gold chanpagne with deep sooty. "Do you want to do the honors?" She asked with a giggle "I wanna know what gender it is!" She stared up at Ryker. For one, she wasn't comfortable enough to go up to a foal and lift its leg to see what gender, plus she just wanted to love on her mare. The foal was still laying down and breathing heavily as it's mother leaned back to lick the foal clean.
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(I don't know! Lemme just do enie menie miney moe (can't spelllllll) ummmmmmmm COLT!) +++++++++++++++++++++++ Ryker waited, nervously pacing back and forth for an entire hour out in the main aisle of the barn. When the foal was finally, completely out he rushed over, relaxing as he saw it was breathing. He grabbed a towel and entered the stall, groaning a little at what Abby said. "Give me a moment." He snorted, kneeling beside the foal and rubbing it with the towel. "It's a colt." Ryker said joyously as he rubbed the little head.
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Abby smiled then leaped up, throwing her arms around Ryker while he was crouched down next to the Colt. "So his name is Summertime Shadow right? What is his nickname?" She asked, her head next to his. She peered down at the foal as he looked around. Sun bumped Ryker as if telling him to move. She licked her foal with one ear toward them. Abby took the hint and practically pulled Ryker toward the door "come on.. heavy.. guy..!" She grunted as she tugged on him
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Ryker chuckled a little. He was glad Abby was happy. He had ALSO been holding in the building feelings for her so when she threw her arms around him he TRIED not to look too awkward. "It should be Shadow." He answered, but he was already being dragged out. "Okay okay sheesh wait a moment." Ryker stood and got out of the stall.
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(all of these things Abby does should be something normal right? Something she had done for the past year? Or should they just be over excidedness that is just now coming through?) - Abby giggled when he got up. She chased after him and stood beside him when she closed the door behind herself. She put her hands on her hips and looked at the happy mother who had pulled herself to her hooves. Her colt -Shadow- got his hooves under him, wobbled and fell. He tried a few more times beofre getting stable on his flimsy legs. Her stepped forward a few steps then stuck his head under Suns stomach to nurse. "Yay!!!" Abby muffled her happy screeches in Rykers shirt as she hugged him again. "Servant will be such a good dad! And Sun will be the BEST mom!!!" She gave Ry the biggest hug before turning around and leaning against him.
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(They are normal things she's been doing over the past year, that makes sense. Ryker is just the kind of guy who would cling onto embarrassment (can't spell) even though he shouldn't xD) +++ Ryker leaned against the stall door and smiled happily at Sun and Shadow. The perfect pair. He laughed when the colt got up, and at Abby's screeches... same old Abby. "Sun will be the best mom." He agreed, not being able to help a grin.
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Ok lol ) - Abby stayed leaning against him for a little bit before looking up at him, poking his jaw line then looking back at the nursing foal. He shook his little head and looked at his mother, milk dripping from his face. Sun leaned her head down to clean him off more. - (I'm thinking of the milk scene in Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron lol)
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