
Trixie swatted at his elbow, rolling her eyes. "It's an honor, I know." She said sarcastically, smiling as he pulled her out of the way. She gave him a flat look at his joke. "I would, but I thought I should give you the chance to grow a pair and do it first." She teased. Well, half teased. She returned the smile he flashed her, but huffed at his next comment. "I'm not creative enough for that. Just take me to your house and we can hang out." She shrugged.

Matt narrowed his eyes, pretending to look slightly offended though he replaced it with a smile. "I'm not sure what's making you think I wanted to ask you on a date" he joked, hoping she wouldnt take him too seriously. He started walking off towards the changing rooms, beckoning for Trixie to follow. "What are you suggesting there" He asked with narrowed eyes, though he gave a nod shortly after. "I'll do that then. Just this once" he gave a playful wink and slipped into the mens changing rooms, putting a hand on her arm by means of a quick goodbye, having to break away rather fast as the girls started entering the rooms.

"Oh, I don't know. A hunch." Trixie joked, walking with him. She rolled her eyes, giving him a gentle shove. "What do you think I'm suggesting, jackass?" She teased, flushing rather pink. She gave him a smile as he touched her, before turning lightly on her heel and walking into her changing room. It didn't take her long to throw on her leggings and croptop over again, tossing the dress over the back of a chair and putting her heels up before she went back to put her sneakers on. She ran a brush through her hair quickly, then freshened up her makeup slightly. After, she walked back out to wait for him easily.

"Nothing" Matt said with mock innocence, giving her a warm smile. It took him significantly longer than Trixie to actually get himself changed though all he had to do was put a shirt on, he was too busy getting questioned by the others over what happened earlier. Luckily he was able to slip away as they changed the topic briefly, ignroing the calls out for him to come back. He headed back to Trixie, giving her a small smile as they headed to the car. "What are we meant to do at mine then? Build a fort? Draw pictures?" He asked jokingly, holding the car door open for her as they reached it.

Trixie waited patiently for him, leaning against a wall and ignoring the few questions thrown at her about earlier. She shot him a smile as he finally appeared, falling into step at his side. "We could do that. I was thinking we could maybe... practice." Her tone fell to a soft one with the last word, and she gave him a hesitant glance, unsure if he had changed his mind or not. She was rarely ever this way about what she wanted, but she was rather determined to be close to him.

Matt waited to reply as he started the car up and reversed out, focusing a litte more on the tires scraping on the gravel surface. "We could do that, we're meant to after all" he said, heading slowly down the long path towards the gates. As he carried on driving he had a thought, and gave her a playful smile. "I want you to try and think of some poses. Stanley's always said he's welcome to new ones. Or just poses for..us." He said softly, his sentence trailing off a little by the end of it. He then focused on the drive back, though it took hardly any time until they were back in the center of the city, very near his house.

Trixie shifted slightly, nodding. "I suppose we are, aren't we?" She chuckled, clasping her hands and setting them in her lap as she looked out the window. She blinked at his request, turning to face him with a small bit of excitement on her face. She tensed slightly eagerly at his last words, but she cleared her throat and relaxed quickly. "I'll try, as long as you do the same." She teased, looking out the window in thought.

Matt parked the car rather precisely, turning to look at her after he'd killed the switch. "Mhm, I will. But i'm making you do most of the work here, you'll need to get used to that" he teased, giving her a playful wink before getting out. He waited for Trixie to follow before heading inside, setting his keys down on the counter. "I'll have to go out a bit later, to go and tell them we're both doing the event. If im right, its exactly 7 days away, next Sunday" he smiled, settling down on a counter stool next to him. "Now, what do you wanna practise first?" he asked shortly after, raking his hand through his hair.

Trixie raised her eyebrows at him in surprise. "Yes, sir." She said playfully, hopping out after him. "Alright, that should work pretty well, then." She smiled, walking to stand in front of him. Slipping the hair tie on her wrist off, she reached up nonchalantly to throw what she could of his fringe into a ponytail, smiling playfully. "Whatever is fine. Your pose ideas woukd be nice to start with."

he borderline assaulted her and you are here throwing his hair into a ponytail loll) - Matt shook his head rather profusely as she tied his fringe up, not appreciating the action whatsoever. Still, he let her have her moment, deciding to leave it in for even a little bit. "I'm hundred percent taking this out in about..five minutes" he said, giving her a mock-irritated smile. He shrugged at her second comment, racking his brain. "I have no idea. How about the one we were last put in? I wanna see if you remember" he said, speaking softly with a smile.