
Sage snickered and shrugged in response to her first comment, giving her a still rather mischievous grin. "I know that too," he noted with amusement, really just teasing her. He was enjoying it quite a bit, too. He rolled his eyes in response to her next comment, noting that she was fully prepared for him to dunk the two of them, but that was fine. He still got it done. He hummed happily and kissed her back when she pressed herself against him again, chuckling slightly once she'd pulled back again. "Well, I couldn't have let you take in a breath of surprise and have it be water could I," he noted, still grinning stupidly. "I'd rather not have to try and do CPR, I much prefer kissing you," he added with a sort of laugh.
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T rolled her eyes at him for his answer, giving a half-snort in amusement. "I'm sure that was your utmost concern. At least I know it was definitely according to plan though." She teased, her tone utterly sarcastic. Her laughter increased to a giggle at the stupid smile on his face. "God, you're so adorable." She grinned, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Aren't they kind of the same thing?" She joked.

Sage sort of snorted in response to her first couple comments, rolling his eyes but grinning over at her in amusement. "It was definitely according to the plan," he mused, knowing full well he didn't plan out things very often, and when he did it was for about point two seconds. He blushed slightly when she called him adorbale, giving her a fake pout. "What, only adorable? I like to think i'm more ruggedly handsome myself," he joked before gasping at her comment about CPR. "No they're not," he yelped. "One means I'm getting kisses from a very alive lover and the other one means said lover is dead and is probably going to puke while I'm trying to give you oxygen," he huffed, though not in an annoyed manner of course. "I'm going to refrain from boring you with the details though," he mused after a moment, knowing he definitely could do that, but deciding it was somewhat of a boring topic if they were going to talk about something medical.
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"Mmmhm." T hummed mockingly, chuckling at his comment. "What, can you not just take the compliment, love?" She teased, kissing him lightly at his temple. "I think you're ruggedly handsome too, yes." She admitted, in a mock appeasing tone. She giggled at his fake outrage over her ignorance. "Aw, alright. I'll stick to mouth to mouth while I'm breathing, then." She teased, pressing a peck against his lips. "You couldn't bore me if you tried. I like the sound of your voice far too much." She smiled, lightly releasing him and floating backwards away from him.

Sage chuckled softly in response to her tease, giving her a grin when she agreed. He didn't fully agree with her, but he wasn't going to argue. "good to know," he snorted in return, really still just messing around. He grunted in response to her comment, huffing out a "good" before swimming lazily after her when she moved to float away. "No, I'm pretty sure I could bore you," he noted with an amused twitch of his lips. "I could drone on for hours about medical stuff you could care less about," he added with a chuckle.
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T grinned as he wandered after her, stretching out in the warm water. She raised her hands to link them behind her head, closing her eyes as he followed her. "If you care about it, I care about it. I think you could talk about dirt and I would love it. I don't think you understand how much I really mean it. I love your voice. It makes me happy." She said lightly, opening her eyes to watch him drift after her. "Are you following me, lover?" She teased.

Sage sort of dog paddled along next to her lazily, cocking his head in response to her comments. "I'm sure we'll test that at some point or another," he mused. "I really can't manage to keep my mouth shut about those things," he admitted with a sort of chuckle. "Though, if you just like listening to me babble I suppose that pleases both of us," he admitted with sort of laugh to his voice. Then he gave her a wide grin in response to her question, bobbing his head up and down. "Yep," he chirped. "Because I do get bored, so you're never going to get a moment's peace while I'm awake," he added lightly. If she really needed her space, he'd give it to her of course...but the rest of it was definitely true.
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"Then don't. I personally prefer when your mouth is open." T teased, watching him follow her with a pleased grin as she drifted along. She chuckled at his wide grin and stopped her floating so she could settle lightly in front of him. "Okay then. I think something entertaining for you to do is carry me, so... let's do that." She teased, really just using the comment as an excuse to be carried around. She settled her hands lightly on his shoulders, in a slightly impatient manner.

Sage chuckled lightly in response to her comment, shaking his head in a somewhat amused manner. He sort of hummed lightly in response though, acknowledging that she'd never really tell him to shut up or anything like that. He snorted in response to her suggestion, giving her an amused look but let her shift over onto his back before hooking his arms under her legs happily. "I think you just want me to carry you around," he teased, obviously not really minding.
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T offered him a grin as he shifted her into his arms bridal style, curling her arms around him intently and settling her lips against his neck. "I'm just... making sure you get your exercise. And don't worry, I'll make it worth your time." She purred quietly, gently shifting her mouth to rest against his shoulder. She pressed soft kisses against his skin, trailing slowly up his neck.