"True. But when would you want another? It's better to try when we're alone and right now we are." Dakota smiled. She thought about the last time. It was very awkward, but worth it. She loved Arden and Zion with her whole heart, and was ready for another.
Jacob said " we can now if you are feeling up to it" Jacob love kids even the two they had but was ready to take on another baby
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Dakota smiled and agreed happily. She rolled over to face Jacob. She blushed and looked into his eyes. Slowly she took off her clothes. They scattered across the ground. Dakota was nervous, but ready.
Jacob took his clothes off and said "I won't hurt you honey I will never"
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"I know." Dakota grinned. She ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you so much." Dakota said. She kissed him passionately. Then it happened. The next morning, Dakota woke up with a jolt. She was still thinking about what happened last night. The waves crashed. The sun shined brightly. Dakota got out of bed and put her clothes back on. She walked to the kitchen and made breakfast.
Jacob woke and put on his pants and walks out and towards slide his hand around his waist and said " hmm"
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Dakota smiled and leaned into him. "We have one day left here. But, I'm happy to see the kids again. Your mom called me this morning and said they're doing great. I told her we're doing great too." Dakota rested her head on his shoulder and sighed. "I made you breakfast. It's on the table." Dakota pointed to his plate of food. "I wanted to get the kids something that we could bring home to them. I have the perfect idea! Yesterday on the beach, I saw an animal shelter down the road. So I was thinking, we could get them a dog." Dakota smiled and shrugged. She decided to go check it out later. Edited at August 21, 2022 05:54 PM by Brookfield Stables
Jacob said " thanks and I think that is a wonderful Idea to bring home" Jacob kissed her neck before going to eat his breakfast
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Dakota grinned and turned around to face Jacob. "Let's go after you eat." Dakota said. Her skin was tanned from being out in the sun. Her eyes were a brighter shade of green, which made them stand out. She tucked her hair behind her ear and smiled at Jacob. When he was done eating, they walked down the street, hand in hand.
Jacob smiles and said " what kind of dog do you think we should get"
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