
leim kept his head down the rest of the day as he didn't mean to offend her he was really just trying to be nice but she didn't think of it that way he doesn't just fuck everyone he sees his mom would kill him she raised him to be a good man and be respectful to women he sat in the back of the class like normal and just sat there taking notes in his head

Lucille Hawthorne - Lucille felt embarrassed she thought Leims good deed was actually a plan to fuck her, even though it truly just was a nice thing to do. When the bell rang for dismissal, Lucille walked up to Leim before he could leave. "Hey, I'm sorry, about earlier. I just don't know you, and I was trying to make sure I was safe. Thank you, for letting me stay there." she apologized, looking up at the boy. She really shouldn't be talking to him, but oh well.

As the bell rang he started to pack a book he was told to bring out but her never opened it at all he was about to stand up when that girl came up and talked to him" no your fine and your welcome " he did a slight smile to her and a nod then stared to walk off

Lucille Hawthorne - Lucille nodded and gave him a little smile in response. She walked out of the classroom as well, but went in the opposite direction from him, down to her locker. She grabbed the stuff she needed for her homework, and put away the things she would be leaving at school. Lucille slung her backpack over her shoulder before going outside and getting on the bus to take her home.

Leim got all his stuff and went to his house

Lucille Hawthorne - Lucille arrived at home and went straight to the barn. She groomed and tacked Truffle, transfered her homework things to her saddlebags, and walked the mare out of the barn. She mounted Truffle and nudged her up into a trot down to the river. She found her regular spot under a tree on the riverside and dismounted and tied Truffle up to the tree again. Lucille got out her Chemistry homework and plopped down under the tree, starting to work on the assignment. She didn't particularlly understand Chemistry, but she did her best.

Leim got home and did all his homework then going outside to go ride he tacked cole up and mounted him after walking him out of the barn he started off down the road and the got to the river turn and took it riding down the river again with cole pushing to get in the water

Lucille Hawthorne - Lucille was really struggling with Chemistry now. She was frustrated with her homework, and she didn't understand it, but she knew she had to do it. Foolishly, Lucille had forgotten a sweatshirt or jacket, again, and it was getting cold again, goosebumps decorating her arms.

leim found her again and rode up to her cole liking going to the mare he seen yesterday and pranced right up after he got there he dismounted and walked to her "hey"

Lucille Hawthorne - Lucille looked up and saw Leim walking towards her. "Hey" she responded back simply, giving him a little before returning to her Chemistry homework, which was very much frustrating her now. The bitter cold wind danced across her skin making her shiver as more goosebumps crawled up her arms.