Sable lowered her head to the ground. "Ok then. Looks like you're stuck with me for the time being" his next words sent a pang of hurt in her heart. "Who do you think you are? You're just like the last one" she spat, but he was right. Why would she want to go back when she had absolutely zero freedom. She couldn't even trot around without getting reprimanded. "forget I said that." She muttered. She could never tell a strange stallion that he was right. She didnt even know his name
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Porter felt horrible, he didn't know what to say ' ' ' I'm porter ' ' ' he shyly spoke before going back to nag her. ' ' ' Like I said earlier I'm not interested in you, your a stunning young mare but I don't want you ' ' ' he laughed sweetly trying to show that he meant no harm. ' ' ' I just see how they treat you mares, like trash that's how and you seem so independent and you could have your own life with yourself? ' ' '
Sable eyed the stallion. "Hello Porter, im Sable." She rolled her eyes. "Well you sure know how to hit a mare where it hurts, don't you Porter?" She asked with strong sarcasm filling her voice. "I don't think independent is the right word" she said. "I think different and sassy is a better explanation for my circumstances "
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Porter became a bit more backed off as he looked at her again listening to her words. Clearly nothing he was saying was getting to her mind nor was it clicking with her at all. ' ' ' Oh okay ' ' ' he spoke turning his head away in embarrassment and hiding behind himself. ' ' ' I just- ' ' ' he cut himself off ' ' ' Nevermind it doesn't matter anyways ' ' ' porter put on a fake smile to show off.
Sable pulled her wearily legs under herself and pushed herself to her hooves. Her legs shook a little as she steadied herself. "I don't know about you, but i need water" she turned and started walking towards somewhere. After a few minutes of walking she broke through the rp trees and into the field they had been in when her herd left. She scanned the field then wandered a little. "I see nothing" she said
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Porters mind raced but was set once she didn't care to respond once more. He flicked his ears feeling the inside concept boil again in his brain. ’ ’ ‘ Sorry ’ ’ ’ he lowered his head feeling the enteral guilt now building up was rough. ’ ’ ’ Well like I said, I don't know where they went ’ ’ ’
"I don't either, but I don't need them. They didnt care about me. And I hate to say it but you were right" she shook away the thought and continued on. "Since I came from this way I may be able to fin my old field and drink from the stream there" she said. She took one look at Porter before walking towards the trees. "Are you coming?"
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Porters stance became wobbily but he easily stabled himself. ‘ ‘ Yeah I guess ‘ ‘ he calmly studdered watching her as she began to turn and walk. He softened his features his mind relaxed and he trailed on patiently
Sable walked through the trees until she found the field. "Were here!" He said happily, flipping her mane as she cantered toward the stream. She slid to a stop and stepped into the cool water. "Ahh" she sighed, lowering her head for a drink
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Porter followed as he approached the water he signed and took a small sip. A small shiver up his spine, he could feel his heart beating in his chest, though it wasn't a nervous beat, more calm and him just being more aware.