Liam shook his head at her question, rubbing his forehead. The headache was most definitely not going away any time soon. "No. Well, kind of. I've been working here for a littlewhile, took a very long break. Place has changed" He aid, groaning as his vision went blurry. He could not remember a thing. Only thing he could remember is hooking up. With who? He had no idea. . As the girl was called away, he went back to what he was doing. He headed to the end of the barn, to the stalls which were detatched from the wild horse ones. They were the livery/owners horsesof the staff that worked there. He headed to a large, black mares stall. "Hey Darla." He smiled, and she swung her head out, whnnying in response. "I missed you."
Noka went down to the barn and walked into the one stall where a snow white horse was at the horse was sleeping at the time "Hello girl." Noka said the horse looked at her and got up and walked over to her looking for treats Noka handed her an apple the mare nuzzled her again for another one "No more thats all I had on me." Noka said to the mare as she lead the mare out of the stall and gave her a good brush before walking outside and geting on her for a ride
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Liam entered Darla's stall, and she spooked slightly as he shut the door, a little too hard. "Sorry Darla." He spoke softly, soothing her neck. Uusally, the mare pretty bombproof, if being born in a thunderstorm didn't scare her, a small noise like that certainly wasn't meant to. He brought her out, tied her to the cross ties and began to groom. As the brush reached her hindquarters, her head shot up, and she kicked out, clearly not wanting to be touched there. Liam stopped, confused. She never acted like this. He set down the brush and ran a hand over her hind, feeling for any lumps or bruises. Soon enough, his finger lowered into a dip in her fur, and he looked down. There was a lon...line? pattern in her fur, and it looked like she'd been hit with a crop. Too hard, and many times. He frowned, moving slightly and she lifted up her back leg. "What?"
"Whats going on?" Noka asked as she put her horse up in her stall
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"I assume you've been here the whole time I've been gone. Has she been mistreated by anyone? She's got a scar which im sure is from a crop being misused" Liam turned to the girl, speaking with a deadine, stern tone. He was quite unhappy with this, his headache wasn't helping, and to be honest he still felt a little drunk.
"You do know horses can play hard or just hurt themselfs right." Noka said to him "And I did take care of it when she first did it." Noka then said to him
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"Mm. I've seen shit like this before, though. Came out from the vet to be a crop misuse related injury. But if you say so." Liam was being a bit rude now. In all honesty, he didn't care. But he couldnt ride if Darla as like this. Whatever, it didn't matter. His head was banging, and he gave Noka a small nod before heading to the mares mane to pull it. "Thanks though." He added, before reaching for the comb, to start on pulling her mane.
Noka left the barn and thought to herself "No one ever hits the horses here I dont get how shes hurt I seen it a few days ago and tended to the wound but nothing like this." Noka said to herself
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Liam huffed as she left without saying anything to her. Something had clearly happened to his mare. He was still groaning about his headache as the girl left, and he had half a mind to go after her and grill her until he got an answer. He didn't, however. Getting fired and having to leave his mare would have been the worst thing for him right now. Liam finished pulling her mane, before clipping her tail, shining her coat and went to put her tack on.
Noka made the smart move and bought camaras to put up in the barn to see who was hurting the horses she could have a worker who was hiting them
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