Saint slowly walked over and stood near him, her ears slightly pinned back. She wasn't exactly sure what to do but she did remember something her mother told her. 'I need to find something to help slow the bleeding' she thought.
Lion felt dizzy... he 100 percent did NOT want to Black out in front of this mare so he tried walking out of the river, grimacing with the pain. Everything wavered, he couldn't even see anymore, Tim was all fuzzy... and he couldn't hear anything either.. it was just a ringing. He knew he was going to go down, and just positively hated the thought that Saint was here to see it. His legs suddenly buckled and all his 1,500 pounds crashed to the ground with a rumble, his vision went dark, and then there was nothing...
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Saint knew she needed to act fast to keep him alive. She made sure there wasn't any danger lurking and waiting to attack before she tore off in search of two things. She searched, for one, yarrow and another plant with bristles. She was quickly able to find the first one so she raced back and chewed the plants, applying them to the wounds to help slow the bleeding before she went back to her search for the other plant. Once she found it, she galloped back to Lion. Some of the more minor wounds had stopped bleeding, but the larger ones were still bleeding- just not as much. Saint carefully wrapped each wound in the leaves. She was worried for him. The wounds were nasty. She stood guard beside him.
Lion blinked his eyes, groggy but awoke. When they came into focus, he gasped quickly and jumped up faster than it would have been possible for him when he was not hurt, and he WAS hurt. He wavered on his feet, his eyes flashing all ways in search of predators. He felt angry with himself... for letting himself PASS OUT. AND in front of Saint! He snorted and stomped a foot on the ground, not falling back over with sheer force of will.
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Saint let out a noise of worry, brushing her side against the stallion's. "Lay back down, you're going to back your wounds much worse than they already are" She said. Concern was clear in her eyes.
"I'm not laying back down! A cougar just attacked you and I FAINTED! What kind of stallion faints in front of a mare!?" He sounded agonized. His pride was much more hurt than he was. If he was a dragon, smoke would be coming out his ears and nose right now and his eyes right be glowing red. Just think about devil horse from hell, and that's what he would look like. His ears pinned backward. He was so angry at himself he barely even realized he was still bleeding
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Her ears pinned back and she huffed. "A fainted stallion is better than a dead one" She retorted and simply grabbed another one of the leaves that she stockpiled nearby and applied it to the bleeding injury. She checked him over to make sure none of the others needed to be redone.
He growled at her putting on the leaves, mostly because of pride and partly because of the pain. "I'm fine." He snorted. "And I wasn't going to die. The cougar was merely a baby!" It wasn't true, to say the least. The cougar was a old, trained male, bigger than most. In the horse world he probably would have been about equal to Lion's brother, Wild West. He clenched his jaw and frowned deeply, stalking to the river and washing his coat. He admittedly was very strong and he probably wouldn't have died, but they were still bad wounds. Any other horse would have gotten killed. He splashed water onto his back, wincing as it soaked in. "See? I'm FINE."
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Saint watched him, rolling her eyes. 'It's truly a miracle how some stallions haven't been killed by their massive egos' she thought to herself. She shook her head and said "No amount of muscle can save you from bleeding out and if the blood loss doesn't kill you, the infection most definitely will".
"I'm. Fine." Lion repeated. This had actually happened before... and he's still alive. He splashed himself again. Then stalked out of the water, shaking. His gashes stung, but for some reason they were mostly numb. He looked at Her. "I don't even know why you care so much. You just met me!" He snorted, turning his head back to lick an open wound, then grimacing.
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