Quinn grinned. "I can't believe I remembered either." She laughed in her unique, sing song laugh. She nodded at his thanks, starting to clean up. Quinn suddenly stopped, gasping. "You are!? That's amazing!" She laughed, smiling widely. "Lucky me." She chuckled. She finshed cleaning up before grabbing a glass of milk out of the small fridge and sitting down across from Oliver.
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"Yup." he said happily "I'm also going to be looking for a spot for my resturant while i'm making the money." he smirked playfully before he finished off his meal and nodded "I was hoping maybe I could stay here?" he asked curiously.
Quinn chuckled. She looked at him after his last comment. "Of course you can, and I would be happy if you did." She smiled. "Now follow me!" Quinn chuckled, walking out the door. She suddenly darted away, running through the fields till she got to the special spot... there were four shady trees surrounding a small creek, the grass waved in the wind and there were flowers all over. She waited for Oliver to catch up. "Just a little spot I found. Out of view of the road and house. It's a great place to think" she joked
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He smiled at ahat "I kinda figured." he laughed putting his plate in the sink before he darted after her nearly tripping head over heels over a log he almost didn't see he stopped and looked around the clearing "Wow..." he said with a smile "This place is beautiful..." he admitted looking around "Bet its even better at night." he chuckled happily "We're a long way from the apartments we grew up in eh?" he teased bumping her playfully with his elbow.
"It is beautulf at night." Quinn smiled, watching the tinkling water. She chuckled at his last comment. "A looong way." She laughed. "The only thing that really matters though, is that we are together again." She smiled at him, her smile lighting up her face outlined by her black hair Edited at April 6, 2023 02:38 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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"It's not?" he asked raising a brow "How could that be?" he asked before chuckling and wrapping an arm around her giving a nod "Yeah..." he cooed turning her toward him and kissing her for the first time since they'd known eachother.
(Oops. My tablet isn't trying to auto correct me.. it literally turns correctly spelled words into incorrectly spelled words. Like is into isn't. Sorry, editing it now) - Quinn practically melted into the kiss, then pulled away and blushed. "Well, it's almost time for my birthday party my mom insisted on. I'd better be getting back." She smiled slightly, starting to walk back to the house Edited at April 6, 2023 02:40 PM by Wild Warmbloods
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Lol no problem haha that's why I kinda made it make of a joke rather then a legit thing lol) Oliver smiled and nodded "Of course." He said happily looping an arm around her as they walked back to her house.
Quinn reached the house, darting inside. She was ten minutes late... but there was no one. No mom.. no friends... no relatives... no nothing. She walked into the living room, peering around. Suddenly it looked like a hundred people popped out of no where, yelling, "SURPRISE!!!" Quinn stumbled backwards... surprised. She accidentally bumped into Oliver's behind her, staring at the people. Quinn's mouth dropped. There were her old friends from other schools, there was all her relatives, new friends, and any other person her mom even knew about to invite. Quinn looked... speechless
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Even Oliver was surprised to see so many faces he greeted her parents and some of their mutual friends warmly giving them hugs before he smiled and put Quinns necklace on for her kissing her cheek "If your gonna be surrounded by all these people you may as well show off what I got for you." He winked.