He-) The stallion stated, "And yes, it was a cougar. Male, pretty big too."
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"It was no problem," she said with a smile, "I'm not the kind of horse to leave an injured one to die." She nodded as the stallion spoke and was slightly surprised by how deep it was. "Those wounds will probably take a while to heal," she says, "I would try to take it easy until they fully heal."
"I'll be okay. Thank you so much, again. Sadly, though, taking it easy isn't my best skill." He made a face, shaking his rough blood spattered coat. "The thing I have Tom worry about now, though, is getting back to my pristine self." He joked, starting to trot to a nearby river but immediately slowing to a walk.
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She shook her head, her mane flowing some, as she watched the stallion go towards the water. After a moment of thought, the mare followed the stallion over to the nearby water source. -He seems awfully sarcastic- she thinks as she gets a drink of water close by to the stallion. Her tail flicked some and she watched the stallion out of the corner of her vision.
He drank deeply, only stopping when he felt full. He was feeling much stronger, although all his wounds still stung painfully. He glanced at the mare, slightly curious why she would even help another stallion.
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Once she had drank her fill the mare shook her pelt free of the dust that had gotton on it from laying down. Her copper pelt now shone brighter since it was free of the dust. Her eyes looked around for some food. The grass below her was slightly dry while some nearby was covered in blood from the stallion fighting the cougar.
He looked at the mare, seeing she was trying to find food. "Here, I live in these mountains so I know where the best grass is. Come on." He smiled, trotting off. He still looked a little stiff, but other than that, he felt fine. The stallion founded the bend at what seemed to be a dead end. Then he went right and squeezed through a little gap, (something that was a spot in its own for a horse of his size) and popped out on the other side. There was a hidden valley with lush grass, surrounded my mountains on all sides. There was a little lake in the middle, and the whole thing was dotted with trees. "Welcome to my home. Eat up! I'm the only big animal that ever set foot in here since you. The grass should be nice and lush. My way of repaying you for what you did." West smiled, then kind of limped off to the shade of a big oak.
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She turned her head as the stallion spoke to her and followed him as he told her to. She slowed down as they reached the dead end and watched as the stallion went through the gap. After hesitating, she followed him through and looked around in awe at the hidden valley. "Thank you," she said with a dip of her head as the stallion limped off. She lowered her head to the lush grass below her and began to graze. Her tail flicked occasionally as she ate the sweet grass and happiness seemed to fill her eyes as she ate.
Jen smiled at her look of happiness and laid down with a huff of slight pain. He watched the mare as she grazed, grateful but still wondering.
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