Maya glared at the officer, "Getting suspicious can get you in trouble around here, officer. And I don't think you'd be wanting to get into trouble with me now, would you?". She felt around in her back pocket for her revolver, her hand latched over the handle, she was quite tempted to use it, though her conscience told her otherwise, no she could easily just walk out of there if the officer let her. Maya cleared her throat, then pulled down her mask, letting her face show. She also took down the hood she was wearing, making her surprisingly long hair dangle. She looked up at the officer, her face relaxing a bit, "Please so excuse me, I don't believe I have introduced myself. Veronica Specer, please to meet you.". Her mood changed immediately, she had to act good, or else he would get suspicious...there were high chances though that he already was...
He lifted a brow at the person's tone, "Being suspicious of peole is a part of the job," he says. He then noticed their hand move behind their back and felt his hand instictively slip down to his gun. He stopped though as the person pulled off the mask and hood. "My apologize Miss," he says polietly, "but may I ask why you were trying to come into the security office and why you were hiding your identity?" He was confused on why her mood had changed so quickly. Usually when a suspect's mood changed this quickly it was because they were trying to hide something. Police school 101, he thinks to himself as he looks the woman up and down again.
Maya nodded and then gave a sharp sigh, "You see, I must have gotten lost, I was in search of the woman's restroom. As for my mask, I get cold very quickly. I need it to warm my face. I am sorry If I have caused any problems...?". 'God, he's getting curious.' Maya thought. It was quite hard for her not to roll her eyes at the man, this was an overly annoying thing that cops did. She cleared her throat, "If you would be so kind to point me in that direction?", okay, if she could at least get by him...Maya still grasped the gun, she saw the officer reach for something in his pocket as well. Okay, so yeah, maybe she had forgotten a small detail, he had a gun as well so...' Just stay calm, don't overact, don't panic. If he decides to use his own gun, I'll just put some holes in him. Yeah...' Maya thought, her breathing a big rough.
He nodded, "That's ok Miss, just try and be more careful. Some of my other officers wouldn't be as lenient with you as I am right now. I do not know where the restrooms are though, but may I ask that you come with me so I can ask you some questions?" Sure Maya seemed to act like she knew nothing, but Finn had a feeling that she did. Maybe she saw who did it, he thinks, or maybe she is the woman that helped the injured guard. He took two steps towards her, taking his hand off of his gun. "May I check you for any weapons," he asks, "it's a part of protocall." Something inside of him told him that something was off about this woman. His eyes darted to her arms and to where her hands should be but they were hidden behind her back. "Can I see your hands as well," he asks.
Maya hesitated, then shook her head slightly, putting her hands in front of herself so she revealed her gun. It was pointed straight for the officer's chest, "Im awfully sorry, but Im afraid I can't let you do that.". Not the best way to go about things but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Maya gave a cold glare, "I would move away from me if I were you, actually I would walk away, pretend this little...talk never happened. I won't hesitate to shoot if I need to.". The man had taken his hand off of his own gun a few moments ago, she didn't want to give him a chance of receiving it. "Please move, before I shoot." Maya gave the cop a fake smile. (Sorry its a bit short, didn't know what else to write^^')
Seeing the gun pointed at him Finn knew that any wrong move would surely mean death. He lifted his hands up slightly and took a step back. "Hey we don't have to do it like this," he said watching the gun and her, "we can talk about this ok? Just give me back whatever you stole, well if you stole something, and I won't tell anyone a thing." He glanced around looking for cameras of some kind but of course they were standing in a blind spot. Why the hell is there a blind spot here, he thought. "Look Miss Specer," he said trying to convince her still, "we don't have to do this the hard way. You don't shoot me and I don't say that I saw you, ok?" (It's fine, this is kind of short too ;-; )
Maya shook her head, "I won't tell you, never in a million years would I tell a lying cop. Yeah, don't think I haven't been in this kind of situation before. The cop always says they won't tell nothin' and then they go to all their little jerk-ass friends and spill the beans. You are a cop, I am a criminal, I just don't think it would be wise to tell you. Could get me in a lotta trouble." Maya hissed. Why would she ever tell anything? It was their job to arrest people who stole things...people like her. "I didn't go telling cops details whenever I went to steal the queen's jewels now did I." she gave a sideways glance to the officer, yeah, she just exposed who and what she did. Who did she care? The Cops, FBI, and whoever were going to find out sooner or later.
Finn stood there listening and sighed. There was no use talking to her and she was kind of right about it. But he couldn't just let her go let alone go back and say that she escaped. "Look we are both in a situation here," he said, "and I am serious about this. You can't give me the gem because you need money and if you kill me then you will have more people than the local police on your tail. For me, if I let you go then I will most likely be questioned about the chase but if I get the gem back then tehy will question where I got it from. Either way it's a loose loose for both of us. So unless you have a better idea to get out of this situation then I'm all ears." Finn knew that Maya probably didn't care what happened to him, but if he got in trouble then teh rest of the department will be close on her tail too. Think Finn, he thinks to himself, there has to be a way out of this without dying or being fired.
Maya crossed her arms, lowering her gun just a tad, she looked the officer in the eyes, "Look, I don't have any damned gem...yet.". It was very quite annoying really, she had the key to open whatever it was to open. She didn't even know what it opened, nonetheless...what it had inside. Maya was told by a childhood friend about it one night when visiting, there was a pretty big chance the gem wasn't even in this state. Maybe even country, but she knew it was real, after all, she had gotten the key for it. "Are you happy? Or are you going to continue to interrogate me?" Maya asked snarkily. He had no fricking business asking her questions. Edited at January 29, 2023 03:05 PM by Burgundy Estate
He looked kind of surprised as she said this and relaxed some. "Then what was the point of holding me at gunpoint," he asks tilting his head some, "holding me at gunpoint when you don't have anything is kind of pointless. You could have just cooperated and then you could have left without being in this position." He then began to get his thoughts together and begin to figure out what he was going to ask Maya first. He then begin asking the questions. "Is your name actually Maya Specer or is that a fake name? Did you stab the guard that was taken away in the ambulance?"