I want him so bad, but the tiny, rational part of me says to wait idk what to do
Valley Thoroughbreds said: I am so bored.
yeah, same.
Kali Pickles Horses said: I want him so bad, but the tiny, rational part of me says to wait idk what to do
I would wait until yr 160 and see if he is still avalible. thats the year PS can breed and if he still is then it is meant to be. or go on google and find a dice roller or something!
I like the dice idea lol, but I think I will wail til year 160
ok, I think when it is my turn i will just breed her to my EEW stallion I wish he was a WEE but oh well better than a SubSubSub stallion IG
good idea :) ugh November feels so far away :/
well I am going to eat some breakfast be back in a minute ( or 60 )