Sage hadn't heard her come in, so he jumped slightly when she kissed him, though chuckled and pecked her cheek before he released him and flopped over. "Its not done," he noted with a laugh, cheeks flushing happily at the compliment. "Yeah," he hummed softly. "It's always been a stress relieving thing," he admitted. "Drew all the designs for my tattoos," he added after a moment. Not many people knew that.
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"Really?" She asked, sitting up. She walked back over to him and moved hi sleeve out of the way, tracing some of the tattoos. "You drew these?" She asked, mesmerized. She kissed his neck again. "They're amazing, love." She whispered
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Sage chuckled softly, letting her play with the arm he wasn't using and nodded with a grin. "Thanks," he noted lightly. "Hopefully the whole art thing will have a use for us," he added after a moment, looking back at the painting.
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"It will. I also have the interview this weekend for my dad's old buisness. They said they have an opening for a front desk person. The salary is $25/hour at least, so we'll see if it's worth the salary..."
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Sage nodded happily when she mentioned she had an interview set up. "That's good news too," he noted lightly. They'd get through this all right. They were putting things together.
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"Yeah." She said, sighing again. "You hungry? I could get you something?" She offered, making sure he was okay
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Sage glanced at the clock and shook his head with a groan. "If I eat now I won't eat dinner alter," he admitted with a chuckle. "Thanks though," he added with a smile.
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"Sure." She said, walking back upstairs. She laid down, curling up again and fell asleep. She hoped Sage would come snuggle and take a break soon.
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Sage worked at adding the finishing details to the painting before rinsing his hands and the brushes off, leaving it to dry. Then, he wandered up to curl up around her happily.
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Amira woke up to find Sage spooning with her. She flipped around and kissed him. She then tucked her head under his chin and fell back asleep
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