
He chuckled some as Ellimere dragged him off to another part of town. Before them now was a preformer with a stick lit on fire on both ends. He watched as the preformer juggled the stick around and did other tricks for his show. Trevor glanced over at Elli and smiled seeing how excited she was.

Ellimere laughed, "I wonder how they do it, like without burning themselves" she said, in total awe

"Lots of practice I would imagine," he says, "this is probably the equivalent of us vampires juggling silver knives or something."

"Ouch, that must hurt" she said looking at him, remembering the time he first bit her, Ellimere sucked in a breath and looked back at the fire handler

"Trust me it does," he says, "in my opinion, silver burns hurt worst than fire burns. At least mild fire burns that is, probably not as bad as extreme fire burns."

"I can't say I know the pain of silver burns, they sound terrible" she said, eyes still locked on the fire handler

"Yeah that's one of the bonuses of being human. Not being able to be burned by silver," he says this then watches the preformer more, watching their flawless movement.

Ellimere glanced at Trevor, "so, um, when are you going back?, will they notice you gone for to long?"

He thought for a while before saying, "Probably a little before dark. No one really ever comes to check on me since I'm usually working on papers."

"Ah ok, it's not long then, the sunset is coming, do you want to watch it with me?" She asked looking at him