
The two stopped arguing once West began to act. Both of their faces seemed totally confused as they tried to figure out what he was acting out. -There is no way he is acting like a horse- Wither thinks -that would be too easy. But maybe he wants us to over think our decision? Maybe..-

West flicked his ears when they didn't get it right away. He may have picked something too hard.., he decided to give a hint. "This thing is very, very common. You feel it every day, never see it." He said quietly, continuing as slow, steady, smooth run
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Wither opened her mouth to say something but Duke quickly jumped in and says, "It's wind! Right? The wind? You can feel it but can't see it." -I swear if he gets this right- Wither thinks -he had to have stolen my answer. Was I thinking out loud? No, I wasn't. Maybe it's just a sibling thing that we have about the same brain speed..-

West stopped, shaking his mane. He chuckled, looking at Wither and Duke. "...yes, it was wind." West smiled, flicking his tail. "I can really only think of... stuff we interact with a lot... but it is very hard to be wind when you are a horse." West snorted, flicking his tail. He went in to take Dukes spot, standing on the warm sunny patch of grass. He heard a roll of thunder outside, flinching.
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Duke looked at Wither with a smirk and trotted over to where they had been standing. Wither sent a glare at Duke but it soon went away as he started to act. The two were obviously very competitive since they were siblings and all. Duke crouched low to the ground and hopped, or technically leaped, forward. His ears were perked up straight and they occasionally twitched.

West chuckled. "Is it a rabbit." He asked, his eyes twinkling. If it wasn't he would be surprised... Duke was hopping, his ears were straight up and twitching. Rabbit. West looked to Wither, trying to see if She had already got it and he just said it faster or if she was trying to get it, and when he said it she realized. -probably the first one- he thought with a laugh, looking at Duke
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Wither frowned as West said the answer before she could. -I need to say my answers quicker- she thinks -I'm pretty sure I'm loosing right now. Not sure what the prize for winning is but I'm pretty sure I won't get it.- She had to admit though that West and Duke were really good at this game. She perked her ears up as the storm sounded like it was getting worst. -Hopefully it ends soon- she thinks -I don't want to be trapped in here forever.- Duke walked back over to Wither when West got the answer right.

West laughed. "Wither... I might be beating you." He teased, tossing his mane. "Anyhow it's your turn. Showdown between West and Duke." West chuckled, his eyes sparkling merrily. He flicked his tail, preparing to rack his brain. While he waited... West listened to the storm outside. Ah yes, we were reaching the peak now. This would pass quickly, then there would be the eye of the storm. After that... the worst part would come. Wind would be ripping chunks of rock off, tearing trees out of The ground. West hated storms.
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"Yeah I think you are," Wither giggled, "you and Duke are pretty close in points I believe." She then walked in front of teh two and listened to the storm as she tried to think of something to act out. After a few moments of listening to the wind, an idea came to mind. Duke watched carefully as Wither sank to the ground below her. She swiped her tail back and forth and moved with her head low to the ground every time her tail did.

"Lightning?" West asked. He almost said snake... but she sounded like she was listening to the storm. Snakes had nothing to do with the storm. Then West had thought flag blowing in the wind... but that was hard. Too hard. At last he said lightning, hoping it was right
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