Dakota smiled. They set their things on the rack and walked outside to the plane. She climbed aboard and sat down next to eack other. Dakota held Jacob's hand. "I'm so excited!" Dakota said. She put her air pods in and watched videos on her phone while she waited. Then the plane took off. Dakota looked out the window and saw the ocean they were crossing. "Wow." Dakota was amazed.
Jacob smiles and looks out side said " pretty water" then looks back at the TV and leans back and falls to sleep
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Dakota noticed him fall asleep and smiled. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The pilot said they had arrived. Dakota shook Jacob awake. "We're here!" Dakota whispered. When they stepped out of the plane, the scent of salt water filled the air. Dakota grabbed their luggage and walked to the house they were staying in. It was right next to the beach. Dakota was so excited. Hawaii was not like what she had pictured. It was clear blue skies with palm trees and crystal clear water. She smiled as they settled into their house.
Jacob smiles and watches her face and said " I glad we are alone again"
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"So am I. I love you!" Dakota said. She looked into his eyes and smiled. They were staying for 3 days. "I'm going to the beach. I'm going to rent a surfboard. I've done some surfing back in the days." Dakota laughed and put on her swimsuit. She ran to the water and paid to rent a surfboard. She swam out and waited for a big wave. When a big wave came, Dakota stood up on the board and rode the wave up to the sand. She put a towel down on the sand and layed down. Her bright green eyes shimmered in the sunlight. Jacob came out and layed down next to her. Dakota grabbed his hand. She looked at his brown eyes. She smiled and closed her eyes.
Jacob lays there feeling the sun holding her hand and said " I love you too" close his eyes and smiles
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Arden and Zion ran around outside. Caspian and Shadow trotted along with them. "I wonder when mom and dad are coming home?" Arden said. "Same. I miss them." Zion responded. He patted the top of Shadow's head. Their grandma watched them as she read a book on the porch swing. Zion smiled and ran around. Arden rode Caspian and laughed. They were so happy! ... "I wonder what the kids are up to?" Dakota said. "I miss them." She did miss them, but she was so happy to be with Jacob. They went to a nice resturant to eat dinner and then they went to their house. Dakota and Jacob climbed into bed. "Goodnight! Love you!" Dakota said. She kissed Jacob and smiled.
Jacob nods and said " yeah I wonder " then once they were in bed he said " love you too goodnight " Jacob smiles at her then said " we can call them tomorrow "
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"Okay. Zion keeps telling me that he wants another sibling. I feel bad. I do want more than 2 kids though. It's better when we're alone." Dakota grinned. She felt a chill go down her spine. Dakota blushed and cuddled closer to Jacob.
Jacob smiles and said " me too and this time see it come to world instead of me being in jail"
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