He smiled softly at her gentle touch. "I left when I was seven. I haven't had to deal with him directly in a long time." He shrugged. "Don't worry about it."
"I was five when I lost my parents and 13 when that family I was working for took me in. I went through 4 years of abuse before I met you... you helped me get away and it really means a lot." She glanced down a bit. "you saved me..."
He shrugged, not used to praise. "Your welcome. I dunno how saved you are though since this type of life isn't exactly rainbows and giggles all the time." He sighed heavily and looked around. "But at least we're free out here. And I'll die before that's taken away again."
He continued to look through the trees and frowned. "Is it just me or does something seem...off?" He looked around more, this time suspicious. He figured there was someone watching and waiting to attack, but he couldn't see them.
He frowned. "No, but there's something -" he cut off and shoved Ellie to the side as an arrow flew past them, grazing his cheek. "Well NOW I see something," he grumbled.
He nodded absentmindedly. "I'll be fine it's not very deep." He chucked his dagger into the tree and someone dropped out of the branches. Sage sighed. "So much for a lazy day," he muttered as three others advanced on them.
She looked at the people patting the ground behind her in search of her staff before her hand landed on it she grips it tightly. She glanced at Sage in a panic her heart racing.