ridley it can! On whatever barn their in, the dropdown at the bottom that says Training, set it to Explore, and each horse will have a Yes / No option for whether they show up in the explore list c:
there are horses i want to rate for bravery but they dont populate in the explore page, they are old enough, are there only a certain amount that populate in the drop down?
Ghost growls and said " she will tell me if she wants to but I don't know who you are slade but raven told me something about you your a guy who turn her daughter against her know what if that happen to you huh slade what if you kids turn against you"
"Me turn them against her no they choose to hell I never even seen them. But her little secret she wont tell you." Slade said and looked right at Shuriken "you know it to don't you." Slade then said "I do." Shuriken said to him