Saphire was very comfortable, but her wings were sore from the weight of Rascal curled up in her wings
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Cade knew that his back would hurt in the morning but he knew that Saphire's wings would also hurt from the weight of Rascal on them.
After a few hours, Saphire woke up to Rascal escaping her wings and the weight finally lifting from her back. She felt a tap on her shoulder and she sat up immediately. "What was- oh no" she jumped up and backed toward the wall of the cave. "Go away" she knew Cade could not see the figures infront of her. She could because she was half human and half demon. Ridge and Scout stood infront of her, their feathers standing in end. "Get him" was all Ridge said before Scout barreled towards Cade. Saphire jumped to intercede him and threw him to the side. Ridge pulled Saphire off of Scout and held her by her neck. He lifted her off of the ground and she began to choke. "You can't save yourself now. Your sorry excuse for wings can't help you now that they are hurt" he chuckled darkly. Sapphire gave a smirk then beat her wings, lifting her and Ridge up to the ceiling. She ducked her head and Ridge ran into the ceiling the same way she had, making him fall to the floor. She lowered herself to the ground then attacked Scout. "Leave" she hissed "leave and take him with you" she pointed to Ridge who laid limp on the ground. Scout growled then gathered up his friends body and flew off. Sapphire shrunk to the ground, her wings limp from the extra weight she had to lift
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For Cade the whole experience was terrifying. He was watching his demon girlfriend attack and be attacked by two demons who were invisable to him. The most he could do was hold Rascal and pray that Saphire would win, because what else could he do? It seemed to him that they had finnaly left and Cade let go of Rascal and ran over to Saphire. He craddled her, making sure she was alright. "I have a plan on how to get rid of them." He said.
Saphire shook from exhaustion. She leaned heavily into Cade, her body fighting to regain its strength and failing. "How is that?" She asked "because I really need them gone. " she rested her head against his neck and sniffled, holding back the tears that threatened to spill.
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Cade wrapped his arm around her and began to rub her back. "If we go into the woods, I dropped a bundle of sage. I have a lighter with me. Demons hate sage, it'll drive them away if not kill them but you... you're half demon. Maybe we can drive them away and keep you alive."
Sapphire nodded. "That sounds good. We just have to get through the rain first. I have no clue when they will get back." She shook her head then looked at Cade for a second. She kissed his cheek then laid her head sick down on his shoulder. "I need to try to stand" she said. Her wings were still weak, but she folded them anyway.
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Cade nodded. "The rain looks like it's starting to clear up. We can wait until you're ready, take you time."
"Okay" mumbled into his neck. She closed her eyes and pulled her knees closer to her. "Wake me if something happens please" she said before she drifted off into a very restful and helpful nap
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"I will." Cade stayed awake, petting Rascal sometimes. He yawned a couple times, watching the rain drift away.