
"Oh Zion. It's okay. It's not your fault. I love you." Dakota picked up Zion and hugged him. She set him down and held his hand. She held Arden's in the other. Dakota smiled at Jacob. "It's okay. I just want it to be me and you! I bet the'll have fun with grandma!" Dakota looked at Zion and Arden. "Me and dad are going to be gone, so I need you to take care of the horses ok? They need to be fed and groomed!" They walked to the car and drove home.

Zion hold her hand smiles and siad " okay mom where you going " Jacob smiles and said " I inform mom about it"
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"We are going to Hawaii! Grandma is coming to stay with you two!" Zion and Arden smiled. When they arrived home, Dakota went inside to start packing. When she finished, Arden and Zion came in her room to ask if they could go riding. "Mom? Can me and Zion ride the horses?" Arden asked. "Sure! Be safe!" Dakota said. "We will!" They both said running off. Dakota smiled and walked to the porch.

Jacob said " how are you feeling honey" as he walks out on to the porch and place his hand around her
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"Good. You?" She asked him. "I can't belive you actually booked a flight to Hawaii! What did your mom say?" Dakota asked Jacob. She smiled and leaned into him.

Jacob said " good and mom was happy to be able to take care of them and she would bring uncle with her" Jaco kissed her forehead and smiles
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"That's good! I think they will have fun!" She smiled back and called for the kids. "Time for bed!" Arden and Zion put the horses away and ran inside. Dakota gave them both a hug and told them to have fun with grandma. Dakota and Jacob would be gone when they woke up. They ran to their rooms and went to bed. So did Dakota.

Jacob hugs them both good night than when to bed himself
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The next morning, Dakota and Jacob woke up at 4. They grabbed their things and packed them in the car. Then they drove to the airport. Jacob's mom came to their house to watch the kids.

Jacob was so happy once they got to the airport they walks the halls and checks in at the desk then walks to the gate number they where given
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