ok!) "I'm good. Did you sleep well?" Dakota asked. She yawned again and smiled at Jacob.
What would you like to do) Jacob said "good I got like 3 weeks before my first rodeo"
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Dakota smiled. "That's fun! Zion wants to join a barrel racing show. And it looks like Grace wants to learn to ride Misty."
Jacob said "aww that nice wait who misty"
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"A horse that Grace found. They are perfect for each other." Dakota smiled and kissed Jacob softly.
Jacob said "oh I see glad she found something she likes anyways I got to go to the meeting with my cow parnters "
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Dakota nodded. "Have fun. Love you." She said. Dakota gave Jacob a hug and kissed him.
Jacob said "you too love you "as he walks over to the door
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Dakota sighed lightly and woke up the kids. Zion and Grace went outside to ride. Zion was teaching her.
Jacob got to the cow cutting and practice for a while
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