
(XD okay. We'll go with something simple and easy. Faulty battery) - Zephyr nodded. "No problem. I'm sure it's something simple." He answered with a small smile of his own. "How long has it been not working? And do you remember how it sounded when you tried to start it? Did it even try to start or was it just silent?" He inquired. "Sorry for all the questions, but it'll be much quicker this way."
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"I have no clue... sorry" she ducked her head with a sigh.
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Zephyr shook his head. "That's fine. I'd better be getting to class though. See you at lunch!" He said cheerfully, walking off towards his math class room. On the way there he ran into Lydia. "Zephyr this is all your fault! After you shot me down at the prom, MORON, people stopped liking me! I am the least popular I've been in YEARS!" She all but screeched. "Lydia, I didn't take your brains. Go find them somewhere else." He said curtly, marching off to class and ignoring the *oo's* *ahhhs* and whispers. One in particular caught his hearing though. *Zephyr is hanging out with the girl who made that amazing home run yesterday, Sophia. I totally bet they'll get together.* Another voice. *how much?* the same voice. *ha! 100 bucks*. Zephyr wrinkled his nose in disgust as went into the classroom with a huff. He looked like a storm cloud all the way through both classes, only getting less I-Might-kill-you-stay-away when he entered the lunch room.
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Sophia grabbed her backpack and walked to class, only hearing a little bit of the aftermath conversations. She continued thinking as she went through the classes. "Her Zephyr" she didn't sound as chipper when she plopped down BESIDE him. Her head fell into her hands. "I hate art now" her arms gave up and her head hit her arms as they cushioned her fall. "Hate it"
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Zephyr lifted his eyebrows slightly. "And why would that be? You are amazing at it." He answered, staring at the meager amount of food he had taken and not touching it. He wasn't in the best mood- he wasn't angry at Sophia at all, but those gossiping girls were giving him headaches. All the stares and whispers and rumors were really starting to get on his nerves. He wish there was a way he could make it all stop. Apparently scarring his face hadn't worked.
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"I just hate it. " she groaned through her hands. She couldn't see his face but she could hear his voice. "Ahh I wish we could sit outside or something. " she leaned slightly against him before noticing the stares and sitting straight.
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One eyebrow quirked up slight but Zephyr said nothing for a while. "I wish we could sit outside too, believe me." He mumbled, casting a glare at some people, who quickly looked away. From former years people had learned he wasn't a force to be reckoned with. "The rest of the day will go better. And you'll have a working car by the end of it, so cheer up." He commented with a flicker of a smile.
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"I can't cheer up. The one thing I thought I loved I officially hate" she groaned again and her head hit her hands again, her elbows pushing on the table. Sophia's head shot up. "You're fixing my car today? It's at my house cause Ryan drove me"
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"Pfft, okay, at LEAST tell me WHY you Hate drawing so much now? And I thought you loved basketball, and probably your parents, and maybe even your siblings, and I'd venture to say you love waffles, and do you want me to go on?" Zephyr asked with a grin. "Okay, it probably isn't a big problem so if you don't mind, I'll drop by, look at the car, and either fix it super easily or be on my way to help later with different tools. Capiche?" He asked with a small smile.
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"I guess I do love everything I come across" she eyed her company. "Yeah you can stop by. Let me just warn you... my parents are nuts. "
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