Riverside said "I know I have too "Riverside wines he just felt like to died but he tried again and eats the grain Kenny said " yeah anyway I got his consent to do something "
Leena smiled and cocked her head to the side slightly. "What did you get into this time?" She asked. Kaliea nodded and laid next to Riverside to comfort him.
Leena gasped and tears fell down her face. "Y-Yes!" She said. Leena hugged Kenny and buired her face in his shoulder. Kaliea got up not wanting to hurt him, and she went to the pasture.
Leena smiled and giggled. "I love you too." She said kissing him back. The way his arms were wrapped around her, made her feel more relaxed. She hugged him. Kaliea looked at Riverside making sure he didn't fall again.
"That's Riverside." Leena said. "I tried feeding him, but he won't eat." Leena looked at Kenny and smiled. "Let's go inside." She walked inside and got ready for bed.